B.dk: Births in Denmark by year and month of birth and sex

B.dkR Documentation

Births in Denmark by year and month of birth and sex


The number of live births as entered from printed publications from Statistics Denmark.




A data frame with 1248 observations on the following 4 variables.


Year of birth


Month of birth


Number of male births


Number of female births


Division of births by month and sex is only avaialble for the years 1957–69 and 2002ff. For the remaining period, the total no. births in each month is divided between the sexes so that the fraction of boys is equal to the overall fraction for the years where the sex information is available.

There is a break in the series at 1920, when Sonderjylland was joined to Denmark.


Statistiske Undersogelser nr. 19: Befolkningsudvikling og sundhedsforhold 1901-60, Copenhagen 1966. Befolkningens bevaegelser 1957. Befolkningens bevaegelser 1958. ... Befolkningens bevaegelser 2003. Befolkningens bevaegelser 2004. Vital Statistics 2005. Vital Statistics 2006.


data( B.dk )
str( B.dk )
attach( B.dk )
# Plot the no of births and the M/F-ratio
par( las=1, mar=c(4,4,2,4) )
matplot( year+(month-0.5)/12,
         cbind( m, f ),
         bty="n", col=c("blue","red"), lty=1, lwd=1, type="l",
         xlab="Date of birth", ylab="" )
usr <- par()$usr
mtext( "Monthly no. births in Denmark", side=3, adj=0, at=usr[1], line=1/1.6 )
text( usr[1:2] %*% cbind(c(19,1),c(19,1))/20,
      usr[3:4] %*% cbind(c(1,19),c(2,18))/20, c("Boys","Girls"), col=c("blue","red"), adj=0 ) 
lines( year+(month-0.5)/12, (m/(m+f)-0.5)*30000, lwd=1 )
axis( side=4, at=(seq(0.505,0.525,0.005)-0.5)*30000, labels=c("","","","",""), tcl=-0.3 )
axis( side=4, at=(50:53/100-0.5)*30000, labels=50:53, tcl=-0.5 )
axis( side=4, at=(0.54-0.5)*30000, labels="% boys", tick=FALSE, mgp=c(3,0.1,0) )
abline( v=1920, col=gray(0.8) )

Epi documentation built on April 25, 2023, 9:09 a.m.

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