estimR: Estimation of the reproduction number with...

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estimRR Documentation

Estimation of the reproduction number with Laplacian-P-splines


This routine estimates the instantaneous reproduction number R_t; the mean number of secondary infections generated by an infected individual at time t (White et al. 2020); by using Bayesian P-splines and Laplace approximations (Gressani et al. 2022). Estimation of R_t is based on a time series of incidence counts and (a discretized) serial interval distribution. The negative binomial distribution is used to model incidence count data and P-splines (Eilers and Marx, 1996) are used to smooth the epidemic curve. The link between the epidemic curve and the reproduction number is established via the renewal equation.


estimR(incidence, si, K = 30, dates = NULL, maxmethod = c("NelderMead","HillClimb"),
CoriR = FALSE, WTR = FALSE, optimstep = 0.3, priors = Rmodelpriors())



A vector containing the incidence time series. If incidence contains NA values at certain time points, these are replaced by the average of the left- and right neighbor counts. If the right neighbor is NA, the left neighbor is used as a replacement value.


The (discrete) serial interval distribution.


Number of B-splines in the basis.


A vector of dates in format "YYYY-MM-DD" (optional).


The method to maximize the hyperparameter posterior distribution.


Should the R_t estimate of Cori (2013) be also computed?


Should the R_t estimate of Wallinga-Teunis (2004) be also computed?


Learning rate for the "HillClimb" method to maximize the posterior distribution of the hyperparameters.


A list containing the prior specification of the model hyperparameters as set in Rmodelpriors. See ?Rmodelpriors.


The estimR routine estimates the reproduction number in a totally "sampling-free" fashion. The hyperparameter vector (containing the penalty parameter of the P-spline model and the overdispersion parameter of the negative binomial model for the incidence time series) is fixed at its maximum a posteriori (MAP). By default, the algorithm for maximization is the one of Nelder and Mead (1965). If maxmethod is set to "HillClimb", then a gradient ascent algorithm is used to maximize the hyperparameter posterior.


A list with the following components:

  • incidence: The incidence time series.

  • si: The serial interval distribution.

  • RLPS: A data frame containing estimates of the reproduction number obtained with the Laplacian-P-splines methodology.

  • thetahat: The estimated vector of B-spline coefficients.

  • Sighat: The estimated variance-covariance matrix of the Laplace approximation to the conditional posterior distribution of the B-spline coefficients.

  • RCori: A data frame containing the estimates of the reproduction obtained with the method of Cori et al. (2013).

  • RWT: A data frame containing the estimates of the reproduction obtained with the method of Wallinga-Teunis (2004).

  • LPS_elapsed: The routine real elapsed time (in seconds) when estimation of the reproduction number is carried out with Laplacian-P-splines.

  • Cori_elapsed: The routine real elapsed time (in seconds) when estimation of the reproduction number is carried out with the method of Cori et al. (2013).

  • penparam: The estimated penalty parameter related to the P-spline model.

  • K: The number of B-splines used in the basis.

  • NegBinoverdisp: The estimated overdispersion parameter of the negative binomial distribution for the incidence time series.

  • optimconverged: Indicates whether the algorithm to maximize the posterior distribution of the hyperparameters has converged.

  • method: The method to estimate the reproduction number with Laplacian-P-splines.

  • optim_method: The chosen method to to maximize the posterior distribution of the hyperparameters.


Oswaldo Gressani


Gressani, O., Wallinga, J., Althaus, C. L., Hens, N. and Faes, C. (2022). EpiLPS: A fast and flexible Bayesian tool for estimation of the time-varying reproduction number. Plos Computational Biology, 18(10): e1010618.

Cori, A., Ferguson, N.M., Fraser, C., Cauchemez, S. (2013). A new framework and software to estimate time-varying reproduction numbers during epidemics. American Journal of Epidemiology, 178(9):1505–1512.

Wallinga, J., & Teunis, P. (2004). Different epidemic curves for severe acute respiratory syndrome reveal similar impacts of control measures. American Journal of Epidemiology, 160(6), 509-516.

White, L.F., Moser, C.B., Thompson, R.N., Pagano, M. (2021). Statistical estimation of the reproductive number from case notification data. American Journal of Epidemiology, 190(4):611-620.

Eilers, P.H.C. and Marx, B.D. (1996). Flexible smoothing with B-splines and penalties. Statistical Science, 11(2):89-121.


# Illustration on simulated data
si <- Idist(mean = 5, sd = 3)$pvec
datasim <- episim(si = si, endepi = 60, Rpattern = 5, dist="negbin", overdisp = 50)
epifit_sim <- estimR(incidence = datasim$y, si = si, CoriR = TRUE)
plot(epifit_sim, addfit = "Cori")

# Illustration on the 2003 SARS epidemic in Hong Kong.
epifit_sars <- estimR(incidence = sars2003$incidence, si = sars2003$si, K = 40)

EpiLPS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:40 a.m.