Man pages for EvoPhylo
Pre- And Postprocessing of Morphological Data from Relaxed Clock Bayesian Phylogenetics

charactersA morphological phylogenetic data matrix
clockrate_dens_plotPlot clock rate distributions
clockrate_reg_plotPlot regression lines between sets of rates
clockrate_summaryCompute rate summary statistics across clades and clocks
clock_reshapeConvert clock rate tables from wide to long format
cluster_to_nexusExport character partitions to a Nexus file
combine_logCombine and filter (.p) log files from Mr.Bayes
drop.dummy.beastRemove dummy tip from beast summary trees, accounting for...
drop.dummy.mbRemove dummy tip from Mr. Bayes summary trees, accounting for...
FBD_dens_plotDensity plots for each FBD parameter
FBD_normality_plotInspect FBD parameter distributions visually
FBD_reshapeConvert an FBD posterior parameter table from wide to long...
FBD_summarySummarize FBD posterior parameter estimates
FBD_tests1Test assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity for FBD...
FBD_tests2Test for differences in FBD parameter values
get_clockrate_table_BEAST2Extract evolutionary rates from Bayesian clock trees produced...
get_clockrate_table_MrBayesExtract evolutionary rates from a Bayesian clock tree...
get_gower_distCompute Gower distances between characters
get_pwt_rates_BEAST2Conduct pairwise t-tests between node rates and clock base...
get_pwt_rates_MrBayesConduct pairwise t-tests between node rates and clock base...
get_sil_widthsCalculate silhouette widths index for various numbers of...
make_clustersEstimate and plot character partitions trees produced by a BEAST2 FBD analysis with offset... trees produced by a BEAST2 FBD analysis with offset...
plot_back_ratesPlots distribution of background rates extracted from...
plot_treerates_sgnPlot Bayesian evolutionary tree with rate thresholds for...
posterior1pPosterior parameter samples (single clock)
posterior3pPosterior parameter samples (3 clock partions)
post_treesMultiple phylogenetic clock trees
RateTable_Means_1p_CladesMean clock rates by node and clade (single clock)
RateTable_Means_3p_CladesMean clock rates by node and clade (3 clock partitions)
tree1pPhylogenetic tree with a single clock partition
tree3pPhylogenetic tree with 3 clock partitions
tree_clock1BEAST2 phylogenetic tree with clock rates from partition 1
tree_clock2BEAST2 phylogenetic tree with clock rates from partition 2
write.beast.treedataExport multiple treedata objects (S4 class tree files) to...
write_partitioned_alignmentsWrite character partitions as separate Nexus files (for use...
EvoPhylo documentation built on Nov. 4, 2022, 1:06 a.m.