Man pages for ExpImage
Analysis of Images in Experiments

as_imageTransform matrix into image (Transformar matriz em imagem).
calibration_paletteFunction to create a color palette for image color...
classify_imageFilter values in an array or image (Filtrar valores em uma...
clustering_KmeansImage segmentation by clustering using the Kmeans method...
color_palleteCreates a color palette from an image (Criar uma paleta de...
compare_imageFunction to compare image sizes (Funcao para comparar os...
contour_imageContorno da imagem segmentada (Outline of the segmented...
convert_colorConvert colors (Converter cores).
create_pngCreate a png image with a transparent background (Criar uma...
crop_imageEsta funcao corta a imagem retirando as laterais nao...
dilate_imageFuncao para acrescentar bordas nos objetos.
edit_imageThis function changes the brightness, contrast and makes the...
edit_imageGUIThis function changes the brightness, contrast and makes the...
erode_imageFuncao para eliminar as bordas dos objetos.
example_imageImages used as an example (Banco de imagens utilizadas como...
exclude_objectExlude objects in an image by encircling them or using a mask...
ExpImage-packageExpImage: Experimental Image Analysis Tools
extract_pixelsFunction to exclude pixels from the background or foreground...
getwd_scriptObter o diretorio onde esta o script. (Get the script...
gray_scaleFunction to get a grayscale image from a color image (Funcao...
histogram_imageCreate a histogram from image bands (Criar um histrograma a...
index_bandsEstimation of vegetation indices (Estimacao de indices de...
info_imageImage information (Informacoes sobre as imagens).
join_bandsFunction to compare image sizes (Funcao para comparar os...
join_imageJoin images(Juntar imagens)
linearize_imageImage linearization (Linearizacao da imagem).
mask_pixelsCreates a mask over the background or foreground (Cria uma...
mask_rasterCreates a mask over the background or foreground in a raster...
measure_imageFunction to obtain measurements associated with objects in...
normalize_imageCreate a histogram from image bands (Criar um histrograma a...
NormatizaNormatiza a matriz para que os valores variem entre valores...
pick_circleSegmentation with the shape of a circle by clicking on the...
pick_colorSelecionar os valores de RGB em pixels (Selecting RGB values...
pick_countCount objects (Contar objetos).
pick_lengthMeasure objects in the image on click (Medir objetos na...
pick_paletteObter uma paleta de cores com cliques (Get a color palette...
pick_resolutionGet the dpi resolution on an image (Obter a resolução em dpi...
pick_segmentationSegmenting objects manually (Segmentação de objetos...
plot_imageEsta funcao plota imagens. (This function plot the images.)
plot_indexesFunction to plot multiple indices (funcao para plotar varios...
plot_meansuresFuncao para sobrepor informacoes sobre os objetos da imagem
predict_logitSegmentacao a partir de modelo logit (Segmentation from the...
predict_RFPixel classification by Random Forest methodology...
raster2imageConvert a image in raster format to ExpImage format (Converte...
read_imageFunction to import an image (Funcao para importa uma imagem).
resize_imageFunction to change image size (Funcao para mudar o tamanho da...
rotate_imageEsta funcao rotaciona a imagem. (This function rotates the...
segmentationImage segmentation function (Funcao para a segmentacao de...
segmentation_logitFuncao para a segmentacao de imagens.
segmentation_logitGUIFuncao para a segmentacao de imagens.
segmentation_RFImage segmentation by Random Forest (Segmentacao de imagens...
segmentation_stepsImage segmentation function (Funcao para a segmentacao de...
setwd_scriptDefinir o diretório do script working directory (Set the...
shape_file.BorderExtractExcluir as bordas do objetos/parcelas do shapefile
shape_file.createFuncao para criar as coordenadas dos objetos/parcelas na...
shape_file.plotPlotar os objetos/parcelas do shapefile na imagem
shape_file.splitDivide a imagem em objetos/parcelas de acordo com o shapefile
skeletonize_imageFunction for skeletonization in images (Esta funcao faz a...
split_imageThis function splits the image into several others (Esta...
square_imageTransform the square image (Transforme a imagem quadrada).
summary_colorSummarize the colors present in the segmented area of an...
thinning_imageThis function makes the thinning images(Esta funcao faz o...
tif_infoImage information in tif format (Informacoes das imagens no...
write_imageFunction to save an image (Funcao para salvar uma imagem).
ExpImage documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:10 a.m.