pop_mod: Helper function to obtain population model for simulation...

View source: R/pop_mod.R

pop_modR Documentation

Helper function to obtain population model for simulation based on data and model


Helper function to obtain population model for simulation based on data and model


pop_mod(mod, x, type = "NM", standardized = TRUE, afl = 0.7, aco = 0.3)



A lavaan model (only CFA supported so far)


A dataset for the model of nrow observations (minimum: 50) and ncol indicators (minimum: 4)


Type of population model. NM (the default): Uses the factor loadings and covariances from Niemand & Mai's (2018) simulation study. HB: Uses the factor loadings and covariances from Hu & Bentler's (1999) simulation study. EM: Empirical, uses the given factor loadings and covariances. EM is not recommended for confirmative use as it leads to the least generalizable cutoffs.


Are factor loadings assumed to be standardized and covariances to be correlations (default: TRUE)?


Average factor loading of indicators per factor, only relevant for type = "NM" (default: .7).


Average correlation between factors, only relevant for type = "NM" (default: .3).


List of population model type, standardized, average factor loading and average correlation. All values are round to three decimals.


mod <- "
F1 =~ Q5 + Q7 + Q8
F2 =~ Q2 + Q4
F3 =~ Q10 + Q11 + Q12 + Q13 + Q18 + Q19 + Q20 + Q21 + Q22
F4 =~ Q1 + Q17
F5 =~ Q6 + Q14 + Q15 + Q16
pop_mod(mod, x = bb1992, type = "NM")$pop.mod
pop_mod(mod, x = bb1992, type = "HB")$pop.mod
pop_mod(mod, x = bb1992, type = "EM")$pop.mod
pop_mod(mod, x = bb1992, type = "NM", afl = .9)$pop.mod
pop_mod(mod, x = bb1992, type = "NM", aco = .5)$pop.mod
pop_mod(mod, x = bb1992, type = "EM", standardized = FALSE)$pop.mod

FCO documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:01 p.m.