FIESTA - Data Tools

knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = F, warning = F)
# Sets up output folding
hooks = knitr::knit_hooks$get()
hook_foldable = function(type) {
  function(x, options) {
    res = hooks[[type]](x, options)

    if (isFALSE(options[[paste0("fold.", type)]])) return(res)

      "<details><summary>", type, "</summary>\n\n",
  output = hook_foldable("output"),
  plot = hook_foldable("plot")

FIESTA Overview

The R package, FIESTA (Forest Inventory ESTimation and Analysis) is a research estimation tool for analysts that work with sample-based inventory data like that from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program to accommodate: unique population boundaries, different evaluation time periods, customized stratification schemes, non-standard variance equations, integration of multi-scale remotely-sensed data and other auxiliary information, and interaction with other modeling and estimation tools from CRAN R's library of packages. FIESTA contains a collection of functions that can access FIA databases, summarize and compile plot and spatial data, and generate estimates with associated sampling errors.

Functions are organized by type or objective and are named with a corresponding prefix:

Core Functions

Estimation Modules

Analysis Tools

Overview of FIESTA data (dat) tools

FIESTA's dat tools assist with customizing variables as well as summarizing and visualizing FIA data. The datLUTclass and datLUTnm functions help with merging look-up tables to support new variables, standard FIA code names or unique names, or groupings of discrete or continuous data values. The datSum* functions provide tools for aggregating FIA data for estimation, mapping, or exploratory data analyses.

FIESTA's tree estimates require tree data summarized to the condition (base unit) domain level and extrapolated to an acre to account for trees sampled from different plot sizes. An adjustment factor is applied to adjust for nonsampled plots across different strata (adj='samp') within the area of interest for GB estimates or within each plot (adj='plot') for MA and SA estimates.

Objective of tutorial

The objective of this tutorial is to demonstrate the use of FIESTA's dat tools for customizing, summarizing, and visualizing FIA data. The examples use data from two inventory years of field measurements in the state of Wyoming, from FIADB_1.7.2.00, last updated June 20, 2018, downloaded on June 25, 2018 and stored as internal data objects in FIESTA.

FUNCTION | DESCRIPTION -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- datFilter() | Subsets a data table by specified filter(s). datFreq() | Generates frequency table. datPivot() | Generates pivot table. datBarplot() | Generates bar plot. datBarplotStacked() | Generates stacked bar plot. datPiechart() | Generates pie chart. datLUTclass() | Merge look-up table for classifying continuous data (e.g., DIA). datLUTnm() | Merge look-up table to append names or categories. datSumCond() | Aggregates numeric condition data to plot level. datSumTree() | Aggregates numeric tree data to the plot or condition-level. datSumTreeDom() | Aggregates numeric tree data by tree domain to plot or condition level.

Set up

We just load the FIESTA library to get started with the examples.

# Load library

The following examples use FIA data from Wyoming for inventory years 2011-2013.


The datFilter function subsets a data table by specified filter(s) or logical statement and returns a list of the filtered data table and the filter.

Example 1: Subset National Forest Conditions in Wyoming

View Example

WYconddat.nfs <- datFilter(
        x = WYcond, 
        xfilter = "ADFORCD > 0"

WYcond.nfs <- WYconddat.nfs$xf

Example 2: Subset Trees That Are Standing Dead Aspen Trees in Wyoming

View Example

WYtreedat.dead <- datFilter(
        x = WYtree, 
        xfilter = "STATUSCD == 2 & STANDING_DEAD_CD == 1 & SPCD == 746"

WYtree.deadasp <- WYtreedat.dead$xf

Example 3: Subset Trees That Are Standing Dead Aspens in Wyoming, and Subset Other Tables to Match

View Example

WYtreedat.dead2 <- datFilter(
        x = WYtree, 
        xfilter = "STATUSCD == 2 & STANDING_DEAD_CD == 1 & SPCD == 746",
        othertabnms = c("WYplt", "WYcond")

WYtree.deadasp2 <- WYtreedat.dead2$xf

WYtree.deadasptabs <- WYtreedat.dead2$cliptabs
WYplt.deadasp <- WYtree.deadasptabs$clip_WYplt
WYcond.deadasp <- WYtree.deadasptabs$clip_WYcond



The datFreq function generates a frequency table from a data frame, including number of records by a specified variable or variables in the data frame with optional totals and/or subtotals.

Example: Multiple Uses

View Example

## Get number of plots by county
      x = WYplt, 

## Get number of plots by county and plot status
      x = WYplt, 
      xvar=c("COUNTYCD", "PLOT_STATUS_CD")

## Get number of plots by county and plot status with subtotals
      x = WYplt, 
      xvar = c("COUNTYCD", "PLOT_STATUS_CD"), 
      subtotal = TRUE

## Get number of plots by county and plot status with subtotals
      x = WYplt, 
      xvar = c("COUNTYCD", "PLOT_STATUS_CD"), 
      subtotal = TRUE,
      subtotalcol = "COUNTYCD"


The datPivot function generates a pivot table.

Example: Multiple Uses

View Example

## Get summed condition proportions by forest type class and stand size class
      x = WYcond, 
      pvar = "CONDPROP_UNADJ", 
      xvar = "FORTYPCD", 
      yvar = "STDSZCD"

## Get average height by species group code and status code
      x = WYtree, 
      pvar = "HT", 
      xvar = "SPGRPCD", 
      yvar = "TREECLCD", 
      pfun = mean


The datLUTclass function merges a look-up table to define categories of continuous data in x (e.g., DIACL). Adds a variable to x, setting the variable to VARCLNM where: xvar >= MIN and xvar < MAX.

Example 1: Reference Table Stored in FIESTA with 2-inch Diameter Classes

View Example


WYtreelut <- datLUTclass(
                x = WYtree, 
                xvar = "DIA",
                LUT = FIESTAutils::ref_diacl2in, 
                LUTclassnm = "DIACL2IN"

WYtree2 <- WYtreelut$xLUT

Example 2: Create New Reference Table and Merge to Tree Table

View Example

diacl25 <- data.frame(
              MIN = c(5,25), 
              MAX = c(25, 100), 
              DIACL25 = c("5.0-24.9", "25.0+" )

WYtreelut2 <- datLUTclass(
                  x = WYtree, 
                  xvar = "DIA", 
                  LUT = diacl25, 
                  LUTclassnm = "DIACL25"

WYtree2 <- WYtreelut2$xLUT

Example 3: Use Cutbreaks to Classify LIVE_CANOPY_CVR_PCT variable from WYcond Table

View Example

cutbreaks <- c(0,25,50,100)
WYcondlut <- datLUTclass(
                x = WYcond, 
                xvar = "LIVE_CANOPY_CVR_PCT", 
                cutbreaks = cutbreaks




The datLUTnm function merges a look-up table to append new variables, names, or categories to x.

Example: Multiple Uses

View Example

First, we can look at a reference table stored in FIESTA with code descriptions of common FIA attributes.


Next, we set the code descriptions for FIA disturbance variable.

ref_dstrbcd <- FIESTAutils::ref_codes[FIESTAutils::ref_codes$VARIABLE == "DSTRBCD",]

Next, we can append forest type names using the reference table above.

WYcondlut <- datLUTnm(
              x = WYcond, 
              xvar = "DSTRBCD1", 
              LUT = ref_dstrbcd, 
              LUTvar = "VALUE",
              LUTnewvar = "MEANING", 
              LUTnewvarnm = "DSTRB1NM"

WYcond2 <- WYcondlut$xLUT
head(WYcond2[WYcond2$DSTRBCD1 > 0, ])

Now, we can append forest type names using datLUTnm. If the xvar is in the stored reference table, the name and values will automatically be appended.

WYcondlut2 <- datLUTnm(
                x = WYcond, 
                xvar = "DSTRBCD1", 
                FIAname = TRUE

WYcond3 <- WYcondlut2$xLUT
head(WYcond3[WYcond3$DSTRBCD1 > 0, ])


The datSumCond functions aggregates the CONDPROP_UNADJ variable or other continuous condition variables to plot level with option to apply condition filters. If condition variable is not CONDPROP_UNADJ the variable is multiplied by CONDPROP_UNADJ for a weighted sum.

The function returns a list of the following:
condsum - plot-level table with aggregated condition attribute.
cfilter - condition filter

Example: Multiple Uses

View Example

First, we aggregate LIVE_CANOPY_CVR_PCT to plot, weighted by CONDPROP_UNADJ.

condsumdat <- datSumCond(
                cond = WYcond, 
                csumvar = "LIVE_CANOPY_CVR_PCT"


condsum <- condsumdat$condsum

Next, we check results.

condsum[condsum$PLT_CN == 40405596010690,]
WYcond[WYcond$PLT_CN == 40405596010690,]

Next, we can append results to plot table.

condsum <- datSumCond(
              cond = WYcond, 
              plt = WYplt, 
              csumvar = "LIVE_CANOPY_CVR_PCT"

We can also add a filter.

condsum <- datSumCond(
              cond = WYcond, 
              plt = WYplt, 
              csumvar = "LIVE_CANOPY_CVR_PCT",
              cfilter = "STDSZCD == 1" 

## Check results
condsum[condsum$CN == 40405596010690,]
WYcond[WYcond$PLT_CN == 40405596010690,]

Next, we look at summed nonforest condition proportions by plot.

condnf <- datSumCond(
              cond = WYcond, 
              plt = WYplt, 
              csumvar = "CONDPROP_UNADJ", 
              csumvarnm = "cond_nf", 
              cfilter = "COND_STATUS_CD %in% c(2,3)"

condnf[condnf$CN == 40404737010690,]
WYcond[WYcond$PLT_CN == 40404737010690,]

Finally, we can look at summed reserved condition proportions by plot.

condres <- datSumCond(
              cond = WYcond, 
              plt = WYplt, 
              csumvar = "CONDPROP_UNADJ",
              csumvarnm = "cond_reserved", 
              cfilter = "RESERVCD == 1"

WYcond[WYcond$PLT_CN == 46792188020004,]


The datSumTree function aggregates tree-level data to plot or condition, including options for filtering tree data or extrapolating to plot acre by multiplying by trees per acre (TPA*).

Returns a list of the following:
treedat - plot or condition-level table with aggregated tree attribute(s).
sumvars - Name(s) of the output aggregated tree attributes.

Example 1: Sum of Basal Area and Net Cubic-foot Volume of Live Trees by Plot (TPA=FALSE)

View Example

treesumdat1 <- datSumTree(
                tree = WYtree, 
                plt = WYplt, 
                tsumvarlst = c("BA", "VOLCFNET"),
                TPA = FALSE, 
                tfilter = "STATUSCD == 1", 
                bycond = FALSE, 
                tround = 2

treesum1 <- treesumdat1$treedat

Example 2: Sum of Basal Area Per Acre and Net Cubic-foot Volume Per Acre of Live Trees by Plot (TPA=TRUE)

View Example

treesumdat2 <- datSumTree(
                  tree = WYtree, 
                  plt = WYplt, 
                  tsumvarlst = c("BA", "VOLCFNET"),
                  TPA = TRUE, 
                  tfilter = "STATUSCD == 1", 
                  bycond = FALSE, 
                  tround = 2

treesum2 <- treesumdat2$treedat

Example 1 & 2 Check: Test BA Results for 1 Plot

View Check

checkvars <- c("PLT_CN", "CONDID", "SUBP", "TREE", "STATUSCD", "SPCD", "DIA", "HT", 
testplt <- WYtree[WYtree$PLT_CN == 40404758010690, checkvars]
sum(testplt[testplt$STATUSCD == 1, "BA"], na.rm=TRUE)
sum(testplt[testplt$STATUSCD == 1, "BA"] * testplt[testplt$STATUSCD == 1, "TPA_UNADJ"], na.rm=TRUE)

treesum1[treesum1$CN == 40404758010690,]
treesum2[treesum2$CN == 40404758010690,]

Example 3: Average Diameter and Height of Live Trees by Plot

View Example

treesumdat3 <- datSumTree(
                  tree = WYtree, 
                  plt = WYplt, 
                  tsumvarlst = c("DIA", "HT"),
                  TPA = FALSE, 
                  tfun = mean, 
                  tfilter = "STATUSCD == 1", 
                  bycond = FALSE, 
                  tround = 2

treesum3 <- treesumdat3$treedat

## Test DIA and HT results for 1 plot
mean(testplt[testplt$STATUSCD == 1, "DIA"], na.rm=TRUE)
mean(testplt[testplt$STATUSCD == 1, "HT"], na.rm=TRUE)

treesum3[treesum3$CN == 40404758010690,]

Example 4a: Number of Live Trees by Plot (TPA=TRUE)

View Example

treesumdat4a <- datSumTree(
                  tree = WYtree, 
                  plt = WYplt, 
                  tsumvarlst = "TPA_UNADJ",
                  TPA = TRUE, 
                  tfilter = "STATUSCD == 1", 
                  bycond = FALSE, 
                  tround = 2

treesum4a <- treesumdat4a$treedat

Example 4b: Adjust Summed Live Tree Volume to Account for Nonsampled Conditions on Plot

View Example

Note: Must include condition table for condition proportion variables

treesumdat4b <- datSumTree(
                  tree = WYtree, 
                  plt = WYplt, 
                  cond = WYcond, 
                  tsumvarlst = "VOLCFNET",
                  tfilter = "STATUSCD == 1", 
                  bycond = FALSE, 
                  getadjplot = TRUE

treesum4b <- treesumdat4b$treedat

Example 4c: Compare with Unadjusted Estimate for Plot Where 25% of Plot is Nonsampled (COND_STATUS_CD = 5 and CONDPROP_UNADJ = 0.25)

View Example

treesumdat4c <- datSumTree(
                  tree = WYtree, 
                  plt = WYplt, 
                  cond = WYcond, 
                  tsumvarlst = "VOLCFNET",
                  tfilter = "STATUSCD == 1", 
                  bycond = FALSE, 
                  getadjplot = FALSE

treesum4c <- treesumdat4c$treedat

cn <- 40407815010690
WYcond[WYcond$PLT_CN == cn, ]
treesum4b[treesum4b$CN == cn, ]
treesum4c[treesum4c$CN == cn, ]

Example 5a: Number of Live Trees Plus Seedlings by Plot (TPA=TRUE)

View Example

treesumdat5a <- datSumTree(
                  tree = WYtree, 
                  plt = WYplt, 
                  seed = WYseed, 
                  tsumvarlst = "TPA_UNADJ",
                  TPA = TRUE, 
                  addseed = TRUE, 
                  tfilter = "STATUSCD == 1", 
                  bycond = FALSE, 
                  tround = 2

treesum5a <- treesumdat5a$treedat

treesum5a[treesum5a$CN %in% cn,]
WYseed[WYseed$PLT_CN == cn,]

Example 5b: Number of Live Trees Plus Seedlings by Plot (TPA=TRUE) - Adjusted

View Example

treesumdat5b <- datSumTree(
                  tree = WYtree, 
                  plt = WYplt, 
                  cond = WYcond, 
                  seed = WYseed, 
                  tsumvarlst = "TPA_UNADJ",
                  TPA = TRUE, 
                  addseed = TRUE, 
                  tfilter = "STATUSCD == 1", 
                  bycond = FALSE, 
                  tround = 2,
                  getadjplot  =TRUE

treesum5b <- treesumdat5b$treedat

treesum5a[treesum5a$CN %in% cn,]
treesum5b[treesum5b$CN %in% cn,]
WYcond[WYcond$PLT_CN %in% cn,]


The datSumTreeDom function aggregates tree-level data to plot or condition, including options for filtering tree data or extrapolating to plot acre by multiplying by TPA.

It returns a list of the following:
tdomdat - plot or condition-level table with aggregated tree domain attributes.
tdomsum - the tdom look-up table with data aggregated by species.
tsumvar - name of aggregated output variable.
tdomlst - list of the aggregated data in tdomdat.
tdomdat.pres - if presence=TRUE, plot or condition-level table with aggregated domain attributes represented as presence/absence (1/0).
tdomdat.prop - if presence=TRUE, plot or condition-level table with aggregated domain attributes represented as proportion of total by plot.
tdomdat.pres - if presence=TRUE, plot or condition-level table with aggregated domain attributes represented as percent cover, multiplying cover attribute by tdom proportion by plot.

Example 1: Sum of Live Basal Area Per Acre by Species

View Example

treedomBA <- datSumTreeDom(
                tree = WYtree, 
                cond = WYcond, 
                plt = WYplt, 
                puniqueid = "CN", 
                bycond = FALSE, 
                tsumvar = "BA", 
                TPA = TRUE, 
                tdomtot = TRUE, 
                tdomtotnm = "BA_LIVE", 
                tdomprefix = "BA_LIVE", 
                tround = 2, 
                tfilter = "STATUSCD==1"

tdomdat <- treedomBA$tdomdat
tdomvarlut <- treedomBA$tdomvarlut
tdomlst <- treedomBA$tdomlst
tdomtotnm <- treedomBA$tdomtotnm



Example 2: Number of Live Trees by Species

View Example

treedomCNT <- datSumTreeDom(
                tree = WYtree, 
                cond = WYcond, 
                plt = WYplt, 
                puniqueid = "CN", 
                bycond = FALSE, 
                tsumvar = "PLT_CN", 
                TPA = TRUE, 
                tdomtot = TRUE, 
                tdomprefix = "CNT", 
                tround = 0, 
                tfilter = "STATUSCD==1"

tdomdat.tree <- treedomCNT$tdomdat
tdomvarlut <- treedomCNT$tdomvarlut
tdomlst <- treedomCNT$tdomlst
tdomtotnm <- treedomCNT$tdomtotnm


Example 3: Number of Live Trees by Species - Seedlings

View Example

treedomCNTs <- datSumTreeDom(
                cond = WYcond, 
                plt = WYplt, 
                seed = WYseed, 
                puniqueid = "CN", 
                bycond = FALSE, 
                tsumvar = "PLT_CN", 
                TPA = TRUE, 
                tdomtot = TRUE, 
                tdomprefix = "CNT", 
                tround = 0

tdomdat.seed <- treedomCNTs$tdomdat
tdomvarlut <- treedomCNTs$tdomvarlut
tdomlst <- treedomCNTs$tdomlst
tdomtotnm <- treedomCNTs$tdomtotnm


Example 4: Number of Live Trees by Species, Including Seedlings

View Example

treedomCNTs <- datSumTreeDom(
                tree = WYtree, 
                cond = WYcond, 
                plt = WYplt, 
                seed = WYseed, 
                puniqueid = "CN", 
                bycond  =FALSE, 
                tsumvar = "PLT_CN", 
                TPA = TRUE, 
                tdomtot = TRUE, 
                tdomprefix = "CNT", 
                tround = 0, 
                tfilter = "STATUSCD==1", 
                addseed = TRUE

tdomdat.treeseed <- treedomCNTs$tdomdat
tdomvarlut <- treedomCNTs$tdomvarlut
tdomlst <- treedomCNTs$tdomlst
tdomtotnm <- treedomCNTs$tdomtotnm


cn <- 40404730010690
tdomdat.tree[tdomdat.tree$CN == cn,]
tdomdat.seed[tdomdat.seed$CN == cn,]
tdomdat.treeseed[tdomdat.treeseed$CN == cn,]

Example 5: Presence of Live Trees by Species, Including Seedlings

View Example

treedomCNTs <- datSumTreeDom(
                  tree = WYtree, 
                  cond = WYcond, 
                  plt = WYplt, 
                  seed = WYseed, 
                  puniqueid ="CN", 
                  bycond = FALSE, 
                  tsumvar = "PLT_CN", 
                  TPA = TRUE, 
                  tdomtot = TRUE, 
                  tdomprefix = "CNT", 
                  savedata = FALSE, 
                  tfilter = "STATUSCD==1", 
                  addseed = TRUE, 
                  presence = TRUE

tdomdat.pres <- treedomCNTs$tdomdat.pres


Example 6: Presence and Proportion of Live Trees by Species, Including Seedlings

View Example

treedomCNTs <- datSumTreeDom(tree=WYtree, cond=WYcond, plt=WYplt, seed=WYseed, 
        puniqueid="CN", bycond=FALSE, tsumvar="PLT_CN", TPA=TRUE, tdomtot=TRUE,
        tdomprefix="CNT", savedata=FALSE, tround=0, tfilter="STATUSCD==1",
          addseed=TRUE, presence=TRUE, proportion=TRUE)
tdomdat.pres <- treedomCNTs$tdomdat.pres
tdomdat.prop <- treedomCNTs$tdomdat.prop


Example 7: Presence and Proportion and Cover of Live Trees by Species, Including Seedlings (Add Barplot)

View Example

treedomCNTs <- datSumTreeDom(
                tree = WYtree, 
                cond = WYcond, 
                plt = WYplt, 
                seed = WYseed, 
                puniqueid = "CN", 
                bycond = FALSE, 
                tsumvar = "PLT_CN", 
                TPA = TRUE, 
                tdomtot = TRUE, 
                tdomprefix = "CNT", 
                tround = 0, 
                tfilter = "STATUSCD==1",
                addseed = TRUE, 
                presence = TRUE, 
                proportion = TRUE, 
                cover = TRUE, 
                tdombarplot = TRUE

tdomdat.pres <- treedomCNTs$tdomdat.pres
tdomdat.prop <- treedomCNTs$tdomdat.prop
tdomdat.cov <- treedomCNTs$tdomdat.cov

tdomdat.tree[tdomdat.tree$CN == cn,]
tdomdat.seed[tdomdat.seed$CN == cn,]
tdomdat.treeseed[tdomdat.treeseed$CN == cn,]
tdomdat.pres[tdomdat.pres$CN == cn,]
tdomdat.prop[tdomdat.prop$CN == cn,]
tdomdat.cov[tdomdat.cov$CN == cn,]

Example 8: Presence and Proportion of Live Trees by Species, Including Seedlings (Add Barplot)

View Example

treedomCNTs <- datSumTreeDom(
                tree = WYtree, 
                cond = WYcond, 
                plt = WYplt, 
                seed = WYseed, 
                puniqueid = "CN", 
                bycond = FALSE, 
                tsumvar = "PLT_CN", 
                TPA = TRUE, 
                tdomtot = TRUE, 
                tdomprefix = "CNT", 
                tround = 0, 
                tfilter = "STATUSCD==1", 
                addseed = TRUE, 
                presence = TRUE, 
                proportion = TRUE, 
                tdombarplot = TRUE

tdomdat.pres <- treedomCNTs$tdomdat.pres
tdomdat.prop <- treedomCNTs$tdomdat.prop


Example 9: Total Basal Area Per Acre of Limber Pine (SPCD=113) Trees >= 1.0 DIA

View Example

treedomBA <- datSumTreeDom(
                tree = WYtree, 
                cond = WYcond, 
                plt = WYplt, 
                puniqueid = "CN", 
                bycond = FALSE, 
                tsumvar = "BA", 
                TPA = TRUE, 
                tdomprefix = "BA", 
                tdomvarlst = 113, 
                tround = 2, 
                tfilter = "STATUSCD==1"

ba.limber <- treedomBA$tdomdat


Example 10: Species and Diameter Class

View Example

## Total basal area per acre by species and diameter class
DIALUT <- FIESTAutils::ref_diacl2in[FIESTAutils::ref_diacl2in$MIN <= 37, ]
names(DIALUT)[names(DIALUT) == "MEANING"] <- "DIACL2IN"

## Append diameter classes to tree table
datlut <- datLUTclass(
                    x = WYtree, 
                    xvar = "DIA", 
                    LUT = DIALUT, 
                    LUTclassnm = "DIACL2IN"
WYtree2 <- datlut$xLUT

## Species and diameter class
treedomDIACNTs <- datSumTreeDom(
                    tree = WYtree2, 
                    cond = WYcond, 
                    plt = WYplt, 
                    puniqueid = "CN", 
                    bycond = FALSE, 
                    tsumvar = "PLT_CN", 
                    TPA = TRUE, 
                    tdomtot = TRUE, 
                    tdomprefix = "CNT", 
                    tround = 2, 
                    tfilter = "STATUSCD==1 & DIA > 30", 
                    presence = TRUE, 
                    proportion = TRUE, 
                    tdomvar2 = "DIACL2IN", 
                    tdombarplot = TRUE

tdomdat.pres <- treedomDIACNTs$tdomdat.pres
tdomdat.prop <- treedomDIACNTs$tdomdat.prop


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FIESTA documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 1:07 a.m.