Man pages for FIESTA
Forest Inventory Estimation and Analysis

datBarplotData - Generates frequency barplot.
datBarStackedData - Generates frequency barplot.
datFilterData - Filters data table.
datFreqData - Get frequency table for specified variable(s).
datLineplotData - Generates line graph.
datLUTclassData - Create a variable with classified values.
datLUTnmData - Gets variable description or class.
datLUTsppData - Gets variable description or class for SPCD.
datPBplotchgData - Generates barplot of photo-based change estimates.
datPBpnt2pctData - Transpose point data to plot-level percent by domain.
datPivotData - Generates a pivot table.
datPlotcntDatabase - Get plot counts.
datSumCondData - Aggregates numeric condition data to plot level.
datSumTreeData - Aggregates numeric tree data to the plot or...
datSumTreeDomData - Aggregates numeric tree data by tree domain (i.e....
DBgetCSVDatabase - Extracts data table(s) from FIA DataMart.
DBgetEvalidDatabase - Gets or checks FIA EVALIDs and/or gets inventory...
DBgetPlotsDatabase - Extracts inventory plot data from FIA DataMart.
DBgetSQLiteDatabase - Queries a SQLite database table.
DBgetStrataDatabase - Gets stratification information from FIA database.
DBgetXYDatabase - Extracts plot coordinates.
DBqryCSVDatabase - Queries FIA Online Database.
dbTablesList of population tables.
FIESTA-packageEcoMap SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
GDT_NAMESReference tables - gdal data types.
internal_desciptionInternal functions used for development of FIESTA
kindcd3oldReference table - List of RMRS plots that have fallen out of...
modGBareaGreen-Book module - Generate area estimates.
modGBchngGreen-Book module - Generate area estimates.
modGBdwmGreen-Book module - Generate area estimates.
modGBp2vegGreen-Book module - Generate area estimates.
modGBpopGreen-Book module - Generate population data for GB module.
modGBratioGreen-Book module - Generate ratio estimates.
modGBtreeGreen-Book module - Generate tree estimates.
modMAareaModel-Assisted module - Generate model-assisted area...
modMApopModel-Assisted module - Generate population data for MA...
modMAratioModel-Assisted module - Generate model-assisted tree...
modMAtreeModel-Assisted module - Generate model-assisted tree...
modPBPhoto-Based module - Generate photo-based estimates.
modPBpopPhoto-Based module - Generate population data for PB module.
modSAareaSmall area module - Generate small area tree estimates.
modSApopSmall area module - Compile population data for SA module.
modSAtreeSmall area module - Generate small area tree estimates.
modWFareaWest-Fest module - Generate population data for WF module.
modWFpopWest-Fest module - Generate population data for WF module.
modWFtreeWest-Fest module - Generate population data for WF module.
popFiltersPopulation data filters.
popTableIDsList of population table unique IDs.
popTablesList of population tables.
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
ref_codesReference tables - Code definitions.
ref_condReference table - Metadata for cond default variables output...
ref_conversionReference table - for conversion factors.
ref_diacl2inReference table - diameter 2-inch class codes (DIA).
ref_domainReference table - for generating tables.
ref_estvarReference table - for generating estimates
ref_pltReference table - Metadata for plt default variables output...
ref_popTypeReference table - popType codes.
ref_shpReference table - Metadata for shp_* default variables output...
ref_speciesReference table - Code definitions.
ref_statecdReference table - state codes (STATECD).
ref_titlesReference table - Variable titles.
ref_treeReference table - Metadata for tree default variables output...
ref_unitsReference table - for variable units.
spClassifyRastData - Reclass raster.
spClipPointSpatial - Clip (intersect) point vector layer with polygon...
spClipPolySpatial - Clip (intersect) polygon vector layer with polygon...
spClipRastSpatial - Subsets a raster to a polygon extent or boundary.
spExportSpatialSpatial - Exports an sf object.
spExtractPolySpatial - Extracts point attribute values from...
spExtractRastSpatial - Extracts point attribute values from raster...
spGetAuxiliarySpatial wrapper - Extracts and compiles auxiliary data within...
spGetEstUnitSpatial wrapper - Extracts point attribute values and area...
spGetPlotsSpatial wrapper - Extracts plot data within a given boundary.
spGetSAdomsSpatial wrapper - Generate a set of model domain units for...
spGetStatesSpatial wrapper - Extracts states that intersect a boundary.
spGetStrataSpatial wrapper - Extracts point attribute values and pixel...
spGetXYSpatial wrapper - Extracts XY coordinates within a given...
spImportSpatialSpatial - Imports a spatial vector layer to an S4 Spatial...
spMakeSpatialPointsSpatial - Generates an S4 SpatialPoints object from X/Y...
spPoly2RastSpatial - Converts SpatialPolygons layer to raster.
spReprojectRasterSpatial - Reprojects an Esri shapefile (*shp) or S4 Spatial...
spReprojectVectorSpatial - Reprojects an sf spatial object.
spUnionPolySpatial - Generate a unioned sf object with polygons and...
spZonalRastSpatial - Extracts summary statistics by polygon (i.e., zone)...
stunitcoSpatialPolygonsDataFrame with FIA state, unit, county codes...
WYcondFIA data. Condition-level data from FIA public database.
WYp2veg_subplot_sppFIA data. P2 vegetation species data from FIA public...
WYp2veg_subp_structureFIA data. P2 vegetation structure data from FIA public...
WYpltFIA data. Plot-level data from FIA public database.
WYpltassgnFIA data. Plot assignment data from FIA public database.
WYseedFIA data. Seedling data from FIA public database.
WYstratalutFIA data. Post-stratification data from FIA public database.
WYsubp_condFIA data. Subplot condition data from FIA public database.
WYsubplotFIA data. Subplot data from FIA public database.
WYtreeFIA data. Tree-level data from FIA public database.
WYunitareaFIA data. Acres data from FIA public database.
WYunitzonalZonal data. Zonal means for auxiliary data in counties in...
FIESTA documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 1:07 a.m.