
#' @title
#' General Utility Functions
#' @description
#' These functions provide a wide-range of general utility for a variety of
#' data types. They were developed by the FIESTA development team and solve 
#' many general and specific problems for data analysis in R.
#' @return 
#' Object for internal use by other functions in FIESTAutils or other packages
#' used for USDA Forest Service data analysis. 
#' @details
#' These functions provide a wide-range of general utility for a variety of
#' data types.
#' @author
#' Tracey S. Frescino, Chris Toney, Grayson W. White
#' @keywords
#' internal
#' @name internal_desc

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FIESTAutils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:06 a.m.