Class: FMM Class Representation

Description Value Examples


Class representation for an S4 object of class 'FMM'.


The S4 object of class 'FMM' contains the following slots:


The time points as specified by the input argument. It is a numeric vector containing the time points at which each data of one single period is observed.


The data as specified by the input argument. It is a numeric vector containing the data to be fitted a FMM model. Data could be collected over multiple periods.


When the data has more than one period, a numeric vector containing data averaging the data at each time point across all considered periods.


A numeric value containing the number of periods in data as specified by the input argument.


A numeric vector of the fitted values by the FMM model.


A numeric value of the estimated intercept parameter M.


A numeric value or vector of the estimated FMM wave amplitude parameter(s) A.


A numeric value or vector of the estimated FMM wave phase translation parameter(s) α.


A numeric value or vector of the estimated FMM wave skewness parameter(s) β.


A numeric value or vector of the estimated FMM wave kurtosis parameter(s) ω.


A numeric value of the sum of the residual squares values.


A numeric vector specifying the explained variance by each of the fitted FMM components.


A numeric value specifying the number of iterations of the fitting algorithm.


## FMM class

FMM documentation built on Dec. 17, 2021, 5:06 p.m.