
title: "FactoMineR" author: "Francois Husson" output: pdf_document: fig_height: 6 keep_tex: yes html_document: default word_document: default


The FactoMineR package is a package dedicated to exploratory multivariate data analysis using R. One of the main reasons for developing this package is that we felt a need for a multivariate approach closer to our practice via: the introduction of ``supplementary'' information; the use of a more geometrical point of view than the one usually adopted by most of the Anglo-American practitioners. Another reason is that obviously it represents a convenient way to implement new methodologies (or methodologies dedicated to the advanced practitioner) as the ones we're presenting thereafter that take into account different structure on the data such as: a partition on the variables; a partition on the individuals; * a hierarchy structure on the variables.

You can see more information about the package with the paper published in the Journal of Statistical Software: http://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v025i01/


You can follow freely a MOOC on these methods. You will find videos on the methods and videos on the package FactoMineR: http://factominer.free.fr/course/MOOC.html


Lot of information are available on the Website: http://factominer.free.fr

You will find many tutorials and a MOOC on exploratory multivariate data analysis methods such as principal component analysis, correspondence analysis, multiple correspondence analysis and multiple factor analysis

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FactoMineR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:36 a.m.