Man pages for FindIt
Finding Heterogeneous Treatment Effects

CarlsonData from conjoint analysis in Carlson (2015).
CausalANOVAEstimating the AMEs and AMIEs with the CausalANOVA.
ConditionalEffectEstimating the Conditional Effects with the CausalANOVA.
cv.CausalANOVACross validation for the CausalANOVA.
FindItFindIt for Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
FindIt-packageFindIt: Finding Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
GerberGreenData from the 1998 New Haven Get-Out-the-Vote Experiment
LaLondeNational Supported Work Study Experimental Data
plot.CausalANOVAPlotting CausalANOVA
plot.PredictFindItPlot estimated treatment effects or predicted outcomes for...
predict.FindItComputing predicted values for each sample in the data.
summary.CausalANOVASummarizing CausalANOVA output
summary.FindItSummarizing FindIt output
test.CausalANOVAEstimating the AMEs and AMIEs after Regularization with the...
FindIt documentation built on Nov. 21, 2019, 1:07 a.m.