Man pages for FlexVarJM
Estimate Joint Models with Subject-Specific Variance

data.GaussKronrodInitialisation of Survival Data at Gauss Kronrod time points
data.GaussKronrod2Initialisation of Survival Data at Gauss Kronrod time points...
data.manag.longManagement of longitudinal data
data.manag.survManagement of survival data
data.timeManagement of data for longitudinal submodel
FlexVarJM-packageFlexVarJM: Estimate Joint Models with Subject-Specific...
gaussKronrodGauss-Kronrod nodes and weights
goodness_of_fitPredictions for the goodness of fit, of the random effects,...
initial.longInitialisation of Longitudinal Submodel
log_llhLog-likelihood computation
log_llh_rcppLog-likelihood computation in RCPP
lsjmlsjm : Estimation of joint model for longitudinal data with a...
lsmmlsmm : Estimation of location scale mixed model
pred_s.t.bootstrap.tpsPredictions computation
pred_s.t.ponctuel.tpsPredictions computation
predynDynamic prediction for new individuals
FlexVarJM documentation built on Nov. 21, 2023, 1:06 a.m.