Man pages for Frames2
Estimation in Dual Frame Surveys

BKABankier-Kalton-Anderson estimator
CalDFDF calibration estimator
CalSFSF calibration estimator
CompareSummary of estimators
CovHTCovariance estimator between two Horvitz - Thompson...
DatJoint sample database
DatADatabase of household expenses for frame A
DatBDatabase of household expenses for frame B
DatMADatabase of students' program choice for frame A
DatMBDatabase of students' program choice for frame B
DatPopMDatabase of auxiliary information for the whole population of...
FBFuller-Burmeister estimator
Frame-internalInternal Frame Functions
HartleyHartley estimator
HTHorvitz - Thompson estimator
JackBKAConfidence intervals for Bankier-Kalton-Anderson estimator...
JackCalDFConfidence intervals for dual frame calibration estimator...
JackCalSFConfidence intervals for SF calibration estimator based on...
JackFBConfidence intervals for Fuller-Burmeister estimator based on...
JackHartleyConfidence intervals for Hartley estimator based on jackknife...
JackMLCDFConfidence intervals for MLCDF estimator based on jackknife...
JackMLCDWConfidence intervals for MLCDW estimator based on jackknife...
JackMLCSWConfidence intervals for MLCSW estimator based on jackknife...
JackMLDFConfidence intervals for MLDF estimator based on jackknife...
JackMLDWConfidence intervals for MLDW estimator based on jackknife...
JackMLSWConfidence intervals for MLSW estimator based on jackknife...
JackPELConfidence intervals for the pseudo empirical likelihood...
JackPMLConfidence intervals for the pseudo maximum likelihood...
JackSFRRConfidence intervals for raking ratio estimator based on...
MLCDFMultinomial logistic calibration estimator under dual frame...
MLCDWMultinomial logistic calibration estimator under dual frame...
MLCSWMultinomial logistic calibration estimator under single frame...
MLDFMultinomial logistic estimator under dual frame approach with...
MLDWMultinomial logistic estimator under dual frame approach with...
MLSWMultinomial logistic estimator under single frame approach...
PELPseudo empirical likelihood estimator
PiklAMatrix of inclusion probabilities for units selected in...
PiklBMatrix of inclusion probabilities for units selected in...
PMLPseudo Maximum Likelihood estimator
SFRRRaking ratio estimator
VarHTVariance estimator of Horvitz - Thompson estimator
WeightsCalDFg-weights for the dual frame calibration estimator
WeightsCalSFg-weights for the SF calibration estimator
Frames2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:13 a.m.