Man pages for FuzzySTs
Fuzzy Statistical Tools

adjusted.weight.MICalculates the adjusted weight for a given main-item of a...
adjusted.weight.SICalculates the adjusted weight for a given sub-item of a...
BertoluzzaCalculates a distance by the d_Bertoluzza between fuzzy...
boot.mean.algo1Estimates the bootstrap distribution of the likelihood ratio...
boot.mean.algo2Estimates the bootstrap distribution of the likelihood ratio...
boot.mean.mlEstimates the bootstrap distribution of the likelihood ratio...
cubeCube a number
D2Calculates a distance by the D2 between fuzzy numbers
Defuzz.FANOVADefuzzify the fuzzy sums of squares calculated by a FANOVA...
delta_jkiCalculates the factor Delta_jki
Delta.pqCalculates a distance by the d_Delta.pq between fuzzy numbers
distanceCalculates a distance between fuzzy numbers
DSGDCalculates a distance by the SGD between fuzzy numbers
DSGD.GCalculates a distance by the d_DSGD.G between fuzzy numbers
FANOVAComputes a FANOVA model by a convenient metric, an exact...
FANOVA.approximationComputes a FANOVA model by an approximation
FANOVA.distanceComputes a FANOVA model by a convenient metric
FANOVA.exactComputes a FANOVA model by an exact calculation
FANOVA.summaryPrints the summary of the estimation of a FANOVA metric-based...
fci.mlEstimates a fuzzy confidence interval by the Likelihood... a fuzzy confidence interval by the Likelihood...
FMANOVAComputes a Mult-FANOVA model by a convenient metric, an exact...
FMANOVA.approximationComputes a Mult-FANOVA model by an approximation
FMANOVA.distanceComputes a Mult-FANOVA model by a convenient metric
FMANOVA.exactComputes a Mult-FANOVA model by an exact calculation
FMANOVA.interaction.summaryPrints the summary of the estimation of the interaction in a...
FMANOVA.summaryPrints the summary of the estimation of a Mult-FANOVA...
FtestsCalculates multiple tests corresponding to the fuzzy response...
FTukeyHSDCalculates the Tukey HSD test corresponding to the fuzzy...
FUZZFuzzifies a variable modelled by trapezoidal or triangular...
Fuzzy.CI.ML.testComputes a fuzzy inference test by the fuzzy confidence...
Fuzzy.CI.testComputes a fuzzy inference test by the traditional fuzzy...
Fuzzy.decisionsComputes the fuzzy decisions of a fuzzy inference test by the...
Fuzzy.decisions.MLComputes the fuzzy decisions of a fuzzy inference test by the...
Fuzzy.DifferenceCalculates the difference between two fuzzy numbers
Fuzzy.exact.varianceCalculates the exact variance
Fuzzy.exact.variance.poly.leftGives the polynomial forms of the numerical alpha-cuts...
Fuzzy.exact.variance.poly.rightGives the polynomial forms of the numerical alpha-cuts...
fuzzy.predicted.valuesCalculates the fuzzy predicted values
Fuzzy.p.valueComputes the fuzzy p-value of a given fuzzy hypothesis test
Fuzzy.p.value.meanComputes the fuzzy p-value of a given fuzzy hypothesis test...
fuzzy.residualsCalculates the fuzzy residuals
Fuzzy.sample.meanCalculates the fuzzy sample mean
Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximationFuzzy sample variance (approx) - general
Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation1Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 1
Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation2Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 2
Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation3Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 3
Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation4Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 4
Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation5Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 5
Fuzzy.SquareCalculates numerically the square of a fuzzy number
Fuzzy.Square.poly.leftGives the polynomial expression of the left alpha-levels of...
Fuzzy.Square.poly.rightGives the polynomial expression of the right alpha-levels of...
Fuzzy.varianceCalculates the variance by a chosen method: distance, exact...
GaussianBellFuzzyNumberCreates a Gaussian two-sided bell fuzzy number
GaussianFuzzyNumberCreates a Gaussian fuzzy number
GFUZZFuzzifies a variable modelled by any type of fuzzy numbers
GLOB.EVALCalculates the global evaluation of a linguistic...
GLOB.EVAL.meanCalculates the weighted mean of the set of individual...
GSGDCalculates a distance between fuzzy numbers
IND.EVALCalculates the individual evaluations of a linguistic...
int.0Numerical integration by the trivial method - method 1
int.ctNumerical integration by the composite trapezoidal method -...
integrate.numNumerical integration by a particular method
int.simpsonNumerical integration by the Simpson method - method 4
int.tNumerical integration - method 2
is.alphacutsVerifies if a matrix is set of left and right alpha-cuts
is.balancedVerifies if a design is balanced
is.fuzzificationVerifies if a matrix is a fuzzification matrix
is.trfuzzificationVerifies if a matrix is a fuzzification matrix of trapezoidal...
KurtosisCalculates the excess of kurtosis of a random fuzzy variable
Mid.SprCalculates a distance by the d_Mid.Spr between fuzzy numbers
MomentCalculates a central sample moment of a random fuzzy variable
nbreakpointsCalculates the number of breakpoints of a numerical matrix of...
n_jk..Calculates the number of answers by a specific sub-item
n_jkq.Calculates the number of answers by a specific linguistic of...
p.value.fisherCalculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a...
p.value.logCalculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a...
p.value.mean.logCalculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a...
p.value.mean.normalCalculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a...
p.value.mean.poissonCalculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a...
p.value.mean.StudentCalculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a...
p.value.normalCalculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a...
p.value.poissonCalculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a...
p.value.StudentCalculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a...
RCalculates the indicator of information's rate of the data...
Rho1Calculates a distance by the Rho1 between fuzzy numbers
Rho2Calculates a distance by the Rho2 between fuzzy numbers
RhopCalculates a distance by the d_Rhop between fuzzy numbers
RiCalculates the indicator of information's rate of the data...
Sample.varianceCalculates the sample variance by a convenient metric
SEQ.ORDERINGCalculates the sequential sums of squares by a convenient...
SEQ.ORDERING.APPROXIMATIONCalculates the sequential sums of squares by an approximation
SEQ.ORDERING.EXACTCalculates the sequential sums of squares by an exact...
SGDCalculates a distance by the SGD between fuzzy numbers
SkewnessCalculates the skewness of a random fuzzy variable
squareSquare a number
tr.gfuzzFuzzifies a variable modelled by trapezoidal or triangular...
wablCalculates a distance by the d_wabl between fuzzy numbers
Weighted.fuzzy.meanCalculates the weighted fuzzy sample mean
FuzzySTs documentation built on Nov. 23, 2020, 5:11 p.m.