Defines functions PA.RMSEA

Documented in PA.RMSEA

  if (length(df) != 1 | df <= 0) {
    stop("df has to be correctly specified.")
  if (length(method) != 1 | !is.element(method, c("exact.fit","close.fit", "not.close.fit"))) 
    stop("method must be one of \"exact.fit\",\"close.fit\", or \"not.close.fit\".")
  if (length(H0rmsea) != 1 | H0rmsea < 0) {
    stop("H0rmsea has to be correctly specified.")
  if (length(HArmsea) != 1 | HArmsea < 0) {
    stop("HArmsea has to be correctly specified.")
  if (length(power) != 1 | power <= 0 | power > 1) {
    stop("power has to be correctly specified.")
  if (length(alpha) != 1 | alpha <= 0 | alpha > 1) {
    stop("alpha has to be correctly specified.")
  p = 0
  N = 50
  if (method == "not.close.fit") {
    if (HArmsea >= H0rmsea) 
      stop("For the test of not-close fit, H0rmsea has to be larger than HArmsea.")
    while (p < power) {
      p = pchisq(qchisq(alpha, df, H0rmsea^2 * df * (N - 1)), df, HArmsea^2 * df * (N - 1))
      N = N + 10
    while (p > power) {
      p = pchisq(qchisq(alpha, df, H0rmsea^2 * df * (N - 1)), df, HArmsea^2 * df * (N - 1))
      N = N - 1
    N = N + 2
  if (method == "close.fit") {
    if (HArmsea <= H0rmsea) 
      stop("For the test of close fit, H0rmsea has to be smaller than HArmsea.")
    while (p < power) {
      p = 1 - pchisq(qchisq(1 - alpha, df, H0rmsea^2 * df * (N - 1)), df, HArmsea^2 * df * (N - 1))
      N = N + 10
    while (p > power) {
      p = 1 - pchisq(qchisq(1 - alpha, df, H0rmsea^2 * df * (N - 1)), df, HArmsea^2 * df * (N - 1))
      N = N - 1
    N = N + 2
  if (method == "exact.fit") {
    if (H0rmsea != 0) 
      stop("For the test of exact fit, H0rmsea has to be 0.")
    while (p < power) {
      p = 1 - pchisq(qchisq(1 - alpha, df, H0rmsea^2 * df * (N - 1)), df, HArmsea^2 * df * (N - 1))
      N = N + 10
    while (p > power) {
      p = 1 - pchisq(qchisq(1 - alpha, df, H0rmsea^2 * df * (N - 1)), df, HArmsea^2 * df * (N - 1))
      N = N - 1
    N = N + 2

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GAIPE documentation built on May 25, 2022, 5:05 p.m.