PARP2: Gene PARP2 from CECILE study

PARP2R Documentation

Gene PARP2 from CECILE study


A list containing the individual level data for gene PARP2 including genotypes and phenotypes for pleiotropy investigation of breast and thyroid cancers. It is from CECILE study, a French population-based case-control study on breast cancer and from the French studies included in the EPITHYR consortium on thyroid cancer.




A list which contains two matrices.


Summary statitics of breast cancer including the name of SNPs, beta and se


Summary statitics of thyroid cancer including the name of SNPs, beta and se


  1. Baghfalaki, T., Sugier, P. E., Truong, T., Pettitt, A. N., Mengersen, K., & Liquet, B. (2021). Bayesian meta analysis models for cross cancer genomic investigation of pleiotropic effects using group structure. Statistics in Medicine, 40(6), 1498-1518.

  2. Baghfalaki, T., Sugier, Y. Asgari, P. E., Truong, & Liquet, B. (2021). GCPBayes: An R Package for Studying Cross-Phenotype Genetic Associations with Group-Level Bayesian Meta-Analysis. Submitted.

See Also


GCPBayes documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:30 a.m.

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