align_peaks_fast: align peaks individually among chromatograms

View source: R/align_peaks_fast.R

align_peaks_fastR Documentation

align peaks individually among chromatograms


align_peaks_fast is a fast implementation to sort peaks strictly based on the exact retention time values across samples. See align_peaks for details on the standard approach.


align_peaks_fast(gc_peak_list, rt_col_name)



List of data.frames. Each data.frame contains GC-data (e.g. retention time, peak area, peak height) of one sample. Variables are stored in columns. Rows represent distinct peaks. Retention time is a required variable.


A character giving the name of the column containing the retention times. The decimal separator needs to be a point.


Creates a matrix with the number of rows corresponding to the unique number of retention times across the dataset. Then, for each sample peaks are mapped to the corresponding row (=retention time) of the matrix and in parallel gc_peak_list is updated.


a list of data.frames containing GC-data with aligned peaks.


Martin Stoffel ( & Meinolf Ottensmann (

GCalignR documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:07 a.m.