Man pages for GDSARM
Gauss - Dantzig Selector: Aggregation over Random Models

dantzig.deltaDantzig selector with an option to make profile plot
dantzigSDantzig selector using the lpsolve package
dataCompoundExtCompound Extraction experiment of Dopico-Garc\' ia et al....
dataHamadaWuCast fatigue experiment of Hunter et al. (1982)
GDSARMGauss-Dantzig Selector - Aggregation over Random Models...
GDS_givencolsGauss-Dantzig Selector
StepI_chooseintsStep I: Multiple GDS runs with random interactions
StepIII_stepwiseStep III: Stepwise on the consolidated output from different...
GDSARM documentation built on July 14, 2022, 1:05 a.m.