Man pages for GE
General Equilibrium Modeling

AMSDAdditive-Mean-Variance Utility Function and...
AMSDPAdditive-Mean-Standard-Deviation Portfolio Utility Function
apply_expand.gridApplying a Function to All Combinations of the Supplied...
CARAConstant Absolute Risk Aversion (CARA) Utility Function
CESCES Function
CESAK_dcDemand coefficients of the CESAK Production Function
CRRAConstant Relative Risk Aversion (CRRA) Utility Function
DCESDisplaced CES Utility Function and Displaced CES Demand...
demand_coefficientCompute Demand Coefficients of an Agent with a Demand...
demCreditPolicyA Disequilibrium Model with Credit
demInsufficientEffectiveDemand_3_3A Disequilibrium Model Illustrating Insufficient Effective...
gem_2_2Some Simple 2-by-2 General Equilibrium Models
gem_3_2Some Simple 3-by-2 General Equilibrium Models
gem_3_3Some Simple 3-by-3 General Equilibrium Models
gem_3_4Some Simple 3-by-4 General Equilibrium Models
gem_4_4Some Simple 4-by-4 General Equilibrium Models
gemAssetExchange_MatthewEffect_2_2An Example Illustrating the Matthew Effect of Asset Exchange
gemAssetPricing_CUFCompute Asset Market Equilibria with Commodity Utility...
gemAssetPricingExampleSome Examples of Asset Pricing
gemAssetPricing_PUFCompute Asset Market Equilibria with Portfolio Utility...
gemBalancedGrowthPathSome Examples of Balanced Growth Paths
gemCanonicalDynamicMacroeconomic_3_2A Canonical Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model...
gemCanonicalDynamicMacroeconomic_4_3A Canonical Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model...
gemCanonicalDynamicMacroeconomic_Sequential_3_2A Canonical Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model...
gemCanonicalDynamicMacroeconomic_Sequential_WagePostpayment_4_3A Canonical Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model...
gemCanonicalDynamicMacroeconomic_TimeCircle_2_2A Canonical Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model...
gemCanonicalDynamicMacroeconomic_Timeline_2_2A Canonical Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model...
gemCapitalAccumulationSome Examples of Spot Market Clearing Paths with Capital...
gemCESAK_Timeline_2_2Some Timeline Equilibrium Models with CESAK Production...
gemCoffeeProblem_3_3Coffee Problem: Some Examples of Equilibrium and...
gemConstantGrowthPath_TechnologyProgress_3_3Constant Growth Paths with Technology Progress
gemDCES_5_3A Model with a Displaced CES Utility Function
gemDualLinearProgrammingGeneral Equilibrium Models and Linear Programming Problems...
gemEquityShare_3_3A General Equilibrium Model with Equity Shares
gemEquityShare_Bond_4_4A General Equilibrium Model with Equity Shares and Bond
gemExogenousPriceSome Examples with Exogenous Price (Price Control)
gemExogenousPrice_EndogenousLaborSupply_3_3An Example of Price Regulation and Endogenous Labor Supply...
gemExogenousUtilityLevel_EndogenousLaborSupply_3_3Some Examples with Exogenous Utility Level and Endogenous...
gemExternality_NegativeSome Examples Illustrating Negative Externality
gemExternality_PositiveSome Examples Illustrating Positive Externality
gemFirmAsConsumerSome Examples of Treating Firms as Consumer-Type Agents
gemHeterogeneousFirms_2_3Instantaneous equilibrium paths with Heterogeneous Firms
gemInformation_ProductQualityAn Example Illustrating Product Quality Information
gemInputOutputTable_2_2A General Equilibrium Model based on a 2×2 (Unbalanced)...
gemInputOutputTable_2_7_2A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model
gemInputOutputTable_2_7_4A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model
gemInputOutputTable_2_8_4A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model with Money
gemInputOutputTable_5_4A General Equilibrium Model based on a 5×4 Input-Output Table...
gemInputOutputTable_5_5General Equilibrium Models based on a 5×5 Input-Output Table...
gemInputOutputTable_7_4A General Equilibrium Model based on a 7×4 (Standard)...
gemInputOutputTable_8_8A General Equilibrium Model based on an 8×8 Input-Output...
gemInputOutputTable_easy_5_4An Easy General Equilibrium Model based on a 5×4 Input-Output...
gemInputOutputTable_Leontief_3_3A Leontief-type General Equilibrium Model based on a 3×3...
gemInputOutputTable_SCES_3_3A SCES-type General Equilibrium Model based on an...
gemInstantaneousEquilibriumPath_StickyDecisionsSome Examples of Instantaneous Equilibrium Paths with Sticky...
gemIntertemporal_1_2An Example of a 1-by-2 Intertemporal Equilibrium Model
gemIntertemporal_2_2Some Examples of a 2-by-2 Intertemporal Equilibrium Model
gemIntertemporal_3_3Some Examples of Intertemporal Models with One Consumer and...
gemIntertemporal_3_4An Intertemporal Model with Two Consumers and Two Types of...
gemIntertemporal_4_4An Intertemporal Model with Land, Two Consumers and Two Types...
gemIntertemporal_5_5Some Intertemporal (Timeline and Time-circle) Models with...
gemIntertemporal_AdValoremClaimSome Intertemporal Models with Ad Valorem Claim
gemIntertemporal_Bank_1_2Some Examples of an Intertemporal Model with a Consumer and a...
gemIntertemporal_Bank_1_3Some Examples of an Intertemporal Model with Two Consumers...
gemIntertemporal_DividendThe Identical Steady-state Equilibrium: Four Models...
gemIntertemporal_Dividend_TechnologicalProgressThe Identical Steady-state Equilibrium: Four Models...
gemIntertemporal_EndogenousEquilibriumInterestRateAn Example Illustrating Endogenous Equilibrium Interest Rates...
gemIntertemporal_EndogenousEquilibriumInterestRate_ForeignExchangeRateAn Example Illustrating Endogenous Equilibrium Interest Rates...
gemIntertemporal_Money_Dividend_Example7.5.1The Identical Steady-state Equilibrium: Three Models with...
gemIntertemporal_PublicFirmSome Examples of Intertemporal (Timeline) Models with...
gemIntertemporalStochastic_Bank_ThreePeriodsAn Intertemporal Stochastic Model with a Consumer and Some...
gemIntertemporalStochastic_Bank_TwoPeriodsAn Intertemporal Stochastic Model with a Consumer and a Bank
gemIntertemporalStochastic_ThreePeriods_2_2A Three-Period Intertemporal Stochastic Equilibrium Model...
gemIntertemporalStochastic_TwoPeriodsSome Examples of a Two-Period Intertemporal Stochastic...
gemIntertemporal_TimeCircle_2_2Some Examples of a 2-by-2 Time Circle Equilibrium Model
gemIntertemporal_TimeCircle_3_3A Time Circle Model with One Consumer and Two Types of Firms
gemIntertemporal_TimeCircle_3_4A Time Circle Model with Two Consumers and Two Types of Firms
gemIntertemporal_TimeCircle_Bank_1_2Some Examples of a Time Circle Model with a Consumer and a...
gemIntertemporal_TimeCircle_Stochastic_2_2Some 2-by-2 Time Circle Models with Uncertainty
gemLand_LaborSome Examples of Spot Market Clearing Paths Involving Land...
gemLand_Labor_Capital_4_3Some Examples of Spot Market Clearing Paths Involving Land,...
gemMarketClearingPath_2_2Some Examples of Spot Market Clearing Paths
gemMoney_3_2A General Equilibrium Model with Money
gemMoney_3_3Some 3-by-3 General Equilibrium Models with Money and...
gemNonexcludabilitySome Examples Illustrating Non-excludability
gemNonrivalry_CongestiblitySome Examples Illustrating Congestible Non-rival Goods
gemNonrivalry_UncongestiblitySome Examples Illustrating Uncongestible Non-rival Goods
gemOLG_BasicSome Examples of Basic (Timeline) OLG Models with Production
gemOLGF_OneFirmOverlapping Generations Financial Sequential Models with One...
gemOLGF_PureExchangeOverlapping Generations Financial Sequential Models for Pure...
gemOLGF_TwoFirmsOverlapping Generations Financial Sequential Models with Two...
gemOLG_Land_4_3An Overlapping Generations Model with Land
gemOLG_PrivateFirmOverlapping Generations Models with Private Firm
gemOLG_PublicFirmSome Examples of (Timeline) OLG Models with Production and...
gemOLG_PureExchangeThe Basic Overlapping Generations Pure Exchange Model (see...
gemOLG_PureExchange_BankOverlapping Generations Pure Exchange Models with Bank
gemOLG_StochasticSequential_3_3A 3-by-3 OLG Stochastic Sequential General Equilibrium Model
gemOLG_TimeCircleTime-Circle Models (Closed Loop Overlapping Generations...
gemOpenEconomy_4_4A 4-by-4 Open Economy with Bond
gemOpenEconomy_6_6A 6-by-6 Open Economy with Bond
gemPersistentTechnologicalProgressSome Examples of Spot Market Clearing Paths with Persistent...
gemPureExchangeSome Simple Pure Exchange Equilibrium Models
gemQuasilinearPureExchange_2_2A Pure Exchange Economy with a Quasilinear Utility Function
gemResearchDevelopmentIntensitySome Examples of Spot Market Clearing Paths Illustrating...
gemRobinson_3_2A Robinson Crusoe Economy
gemShortTermInvestment_2_3Some Examples Illustrating Short-Term Investment
gemSkillSome General Equilibrium Models with Skill (i.e. Human...
gemstEndogenousLaborSupply_2_2A General Equilibrium Model with Endogenous Labor Supply
gemstEndogenousProductionFunction_2_2A General Equilibrium Model with Endogenous Production...
gemstEndogenousUtilityFunctionSome General Equilibrium Models with Endogenous Utility...
gemStickyDecisionPath_2_2An Example Illustrating the Sticky-Decision Path and Business...
gemStickyPricePath_2_2Some Examples Illustrating the Sticky-Price Path and Business...
gemstStructuralMultipleEquilibria_2_2Structural Multiple Equilibria and Structural Transition...
gemTax_3_3Some General Equilibrium Models with Tax
gemTax_4_4Some General Equilibrium Models with Endogenous Tax Rates
gemTax_5_4A General Equilibrium Model with Tax (see Cardenete et al.,...
gemTax_5_5A General Equilibrium Model with Tax
gemTax_QuasilinearPreference_4_4A General Equilibrium Model with Tax and Quasilinear Utility...
gemTax_VAT_IncomeTax_5_4A General Equilibrium Model with Value-added Tax and Income...
gemTechnologyProgress_PopulationGrowthSome General Equilibrium Models with Technology Progress and...
gemTemporaryEquilibriumPathSome Examples of Temporary Equilibrium Paths
gemTwoCountry_Bond_7_4An Example of Two-Country Economy with Bond
gemTwoCountryForeignExchangeRate_6_6Example 7.6 (Foreign Exchange Rate) in Li (2019)
gemTwoCountryPureExchangeSome Examples of Two-Country Pure Exchange Economy
gemTwoCountryPureExchange_BondSome Examples of Two-Country Pure Exchange Economy with Bond
gemTwoCountry_RealExchangeRateIndex_7_4Calculating Real Exchange Rate Index
gemTwoCountry_Tariff_9_5An Example of Two-Country Economy with Tariff
gemTwoIndustries_4_3A 4-by-3 Economy with Two Industries
ge_tidyTidy a General Equilibrium
growth_rateCompute the Growth Rate
iterateIteration Function
makeCountercyclicalProductTaxMake a Countercyclical Product Tax Policy Function
makePolicyHeadAdjustmentMake a Policy of Head Adjustment for a Timeline Model
makePolicyHeadTailAdjustmentMake a Policy of Head and/or Tail Adjustment for a Timeline...
makePolicyIncomeTaxMake a Policy of Income Tax
makePolicyMeanValueMake a Mean Value Policy Function
makePolicyStickyPriceMake a Policy of Sticky Price
makePolicySupplyMake a Policy of Supply
makePolicyTailAdjustmentMake a Policy of Tail Adjustment for a Timeline Model
makePolicyTechnologyChangeMake a Policy of Technology Change
marginal_utilityMarginal Utility
matrix_add_by_nameAdd Matrices by Names of Columns and Rows
matrix_aggregateAggregate Some Rows and Columns of a Matrix
matrix_to_dstlConvert a Matrix into a Demand Structural Tree List
MDCES_demandModified Displaced CES Demand Function
node_insertInsert Nodes into a Tree
node_newCreate a Tree
node_plotPlot a Tree and Show the Type Attribute
node_printPrint a Tree and Its Fields
node_prunePrune Nodes off a Tree by Names
node_replaceReplace a Node of a Tree
node_setCreate a Tree or Set Attributes for a Node
outputCompute the Utility of a Consumer or the Output of a Firm by...
policyMarketClearingPriceMarket-Clearing-Price Policy Function
policyMeanValueMean Value Policy Function
QL_demandQuasilinear Demand Functions
rate_to_betaConversion between a Rate Vector and a Beta Vector
ratio_adjustRatio Adjustment
SCESStandard CES Function
SCES_AStandard CES Demand Coefficient Matrix
sdm2Structural Dynamic Model (alias Structural Growth Model)...
sdm_dstlStructural Dynamic Model (alias Structural Growth Model) with...
sserrCompute the Return Rate in the Steady State Equilibrium
structural_functionStructural Function
var.pPopulation Variance and Population Standard Deviation
GE documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:52 a.m.