gemInputOutputTable_Leontief_3_3: A Leontief-type General Equilibrium Model based on a 3×3...

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gemInputOutputTable_Leontief_3_3R Documentation

A Leontief-type General Equilibrium Model based on a 3×3 Input-Output Table


Given a 3×3 input-output table (e.g., see Zhang Xin, 2017, Table 2.2.2), this model can be used to calculate the corresponding equilibrium. This input-output table contains two firms and one household. The household consumes products and supplies labor.


  input = matrix(c(200, 300, 100, 150, 320, 530, 250, 380, 0), 3, 3, TRUE),
  output = c(600, 1000, 630)



the input matrix in the base period.


a vector consisting of the product outputs and labor supply in the base period.


A general equilibrium, which is a list with the following elements:

  • p - the price vector with labor as numeraire.

  • D - the demand matrix, also called the input table. Wherein the benchmark prices are used.

  • DV - the demand value matrix, also called the value input table. Wherein the current price is used.

  • SV - the supply value matrix, also called the value output table. Wherein the current price is used.

  • ... - some elements returned by the CGE::sdm function


Zhang Xin. (2017, ISBN: 9787543227637). Principles of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling and Programming (Second Edition). Shanghai: Gezhi Press. (In Chinese)


x <- 75
  input = matrix(c(
    200, 300, 100,
    x, 320, 530,
    250, 380, 0
  ), 3, 3, TRUE),
  output = c(600, 1000, 630)

GE documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:52 a.m.