sequentialGfaPrediction: Sequential prediction of new samples from observed data views...

View source: R/sequentialGfaPrediction.R

sequentialGfaPredictionR Documentation

Sequential prediction of new samples from observed data views to unobserved


sequentialGfaPrediction returns predictions for unobserved data sources of a new set of data samples.


sequentialGfaPrediction(Y, model)



The new data samples, in a similar format as in function gfa


The sampled model from function gfa, with model$opts$predict being a logical vector with the length matching the length of Y, describing which data views will be predicted (TRUE), and which have been observed (FALSE).


A list containing the predictions, with the observed data sources empty. Additionally, sampling MSE is given as element 'mse', and likelihood as 'cost'.

GFA documentation built on Oct. 21, 2023, 5:06 p.m.