CalcSleepRegularityIndex: Calculates Sleep Regularity Index

View source: R/CalcSleepRegularityIndex.R

CalcSleepRegularityIndexR Documentation

Calculates Sleep Regularity Index


Calculates Sleep Regularity Index per day pair proposed by Phillips and colleagues in 2017 expanded with day-pair level estimates.


  CalcSleepRegularityIndex(data = c(), epochsize = c(), desiredtz= c())



Data.frame produced by function g.sib.det.


Numeric value of epoch size in seconds.


Character with timezone database name, see also g.getmeta


Calculates Sleep Regularity Index per day pair. Absense of missing data is not used as a criteria for calculation. Instead the code asses the fraction of the time for which matching valid data points were found in both days. Later in g.part4 this fraction is used to include or exclude days based on the excludenightcrit criteria it also uses for the other sleep variables. In these day-level SRI values are stored, but also aggregated across all recording days, all weekend days, and all weekend days, respectively. Therefore, this function is broader in functionality than the algorithm proposed by Phillips and colleagues in 2017.


Data.frame with columns: day (day number); Sleep Regularity Index, which by definition must lie in the range -100 (reversed regularity), to 0 (random pattern), to 100 (perfect regularity); weekday (e.g. Wednesday); frac_valid, number between 0 and 1 indicating the fraction of the 24 hour period for which valid data was available in both the current and the next day, and; date.


Vincent T van Hees <>


  • Andrew J. K. Phillips, William M. Clerx, et al. Irregular sleep/wake patterns are associated with poorer academic performance and delayed circadian and sleep/wake timing. Scientific Reports. 2017 June 12

GGIR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:59 p.m.