
#' @title GGUM
#' @name GGUM-package
#' @docType package
#' @aliases GGUM-package
#' @description The \code{GGUM} package fits the generalized graded response
#' model (GGUM; Roberts et al., 1996, 2000). It is based on marginal maximum
#' likelihood (Roberts et al., 2000) to estimate the item parameters and an
#' estimated a posteriori (EAP) method to estimate the person parameters.
#' The GGUM is defined by \deqn{P(Z_i=z|\theta_n) = \frac{f(z) + 
#' f(M-z)}{\sum_{w=0}^C\left[f(w)+f(M-w)\right]}, }{P(Z_i = z|t_n) = ( f(z) +
#' f(M-z) ) / (sum( f(w) + f(M - w); w = 0, ..., C )),}
#' \deqn{f(w) = exp\left\{\alpha_i\left[w(\theta_n-\delta_i)- 
#' \sum_{k=0}^w\tau_{ik}\right]\right\}, }{f(w) = exp( alpha_i ( w(t_n -
#' delta_i) - sum( tau_ik; k = 0, ..., w) ) ),}
#' where: \itemize{ \item The subscripts \eqn{i} and \eqn{n} identify the item
#' and person, respectively. \item \eqn{z=0,\ldots,C}{z = 0, ..., C} denotes the
#' observed answer response. \item \eqn{M = 2C + 1} is the number of subjective
#' response options minus 1. \item \eqn{\theta_n}{t_n} is the latent trait score
#' for person \eqn{n}. \item \eqn{\alpha_i}{alpha_i} is the item slope
#' (discrimination). \item \eqn{\delta_i}{delta_i} is the item location. \item
#' \eqn{\tau_{ik}}{tau_ik} (\eqn{k=1,\ldots,M}{k = 1, ..., M} ) are the 
#' threshold parameters. }
#' Parameter \eqn{\tau_{i0}}{tau_i0} is arbitrarily constrained to zero and the 
#' threshold parameters are constrained to symmetry around zero, that is, 
#' \eqn{\tau_{i(C+1)}=0}{tau_{i(C+1)} = 0} and 
#' \eqn{\tau_{iz}=-\tau_{i(M-z+1)}}{tau_{iz} = -tau_{i(M-z+1)}} for \eqn{z\not=
#' 0}{z != 0}.
#' This package produces comparable results to the ones based on the GGUM2004 
#' program (Roberts et al., 2000; Roberts et al., 2006), for the GUM (Model 3 in
#' GGUM2004) and the GGUM (Model 8 in GGUM2004). For those accustomed to using
#' GGUM2004, this packages provides a useful set of functions that allow
#' exporting data and code to GGUM2004, running GGUM2004, and retrieving the
#' parameter estimates. Thus, if desired, one can run GGUM2004 and retrieve the
#' results completely from within the R environment.
#' Versions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Version 0.3.1 (January 2018)\cr
#' \item Version 0.3.2 (July 2018)\cr
#' Fixed a bug related to data preprocessing (removing response patterns with 
#' all-disagree answers). Many thanks to JB Duck-Mayr for offering a fix in 
#' GitHub, and also to Michael Hermann who independently spotted the same issue 
#' (for dichotomous data).
#' \item Version 0.4 (January 2020)\cr
#' Fixed two bugs (in Theta.EAP() and write.GGUM2004())
#' \item Version 0.4-1 (May 2020)\cr
#' Implemented two changes in GUM.R to adapt to R 4.1 (currently R-devel) and 
#' survive CRAN's build checks.
#' \item Version 0.4-2 (February 2021)\cr
#' Updated affiliation.
#' \item Version 0.4-3 (October 2021)\cr
#' Implemented further changes to adapt to R 4.1, similar to 
#' what was done in Version 0.4-1.
#' \item Version 0.5 (September 2023)\cr
#' Updated some functions to fix a bug related to identifying 
#' the class of objects.
#' }
#' @details \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab GGUM\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version:
#' \tab 0.5\cr Date: \tab 2023-09-08\cr License: \tab GPL Version 2 or
#' later\cr }
#' The \pkg{GGUM} package contains useful functions, summarized below: \itemize{
#' \item Fitting the GUM/GGUM:
#' \tabular{ll}{ \bold{Function}                    \tab \bold{Description}\cr 
#' \code{\link{GenData.GGUM}}         \tab Generate data from the GUM/GGUM\cr 
#' \code{\link{probs.GGUM}}           \tab Compute model probabilities for the
#' GGUM\cr \code{\link{GUM}}                  \tab Fit the GUM\cr 
#' \code{\link{GGUM}}                 \tab Fit the GGUM\cr \code{\link{MODFIT}} 
#' \tab MODFIT for the GGUM\cr \code{\link{Theta.EAP}}            \tab Estimate
#' thetas and their SEs (GUM, GGUM)\cr }
#' \item Plots: \tabular{ll}{ \bold{Function}                    \tab
#' \bold{Description}\cr \code{\link{plotCRC}}              \tab Plot item
#' category response curves (CRCs)\cr \code{\link{plotICC}}              \tab
#' Plot item characteristic curves (ICCs)\cr \code{\link{plotIIF}}             
#' \tab Plot item information functions (IIFs)\cr \code{\link{plotTCC}}         
#' \tab Plot test characteristic curve (TCC)\cr \code{\link{plotTIF}}           
#' \tab Plot test information function (TIF)\cr }
#' \item GGUM2004 interface: \tabular{ll}{ \bold{Function}                   
#' \tab \bold{Description}\cr \code{\link{export.GGUM2004}}      \tab Exports
#' data in GGUM2004 friendly format\cr \code{\link{write.GGUM2004}}       \tab
#' Writes a command file for GGUM2004\cr \code{\link{run.GGUM2004}}         \tab
#' Call GGUM2004 and import the estimated parameters into R\cr 
#' \code{\link{read.item.GGUM2004}}   \tab Read GGUM2004 item estimates into
#' R\cr \code{\link{read.person.GGUM2004}} \tab Read GGUM2004 person estimates
#' into R\cr }
#' \item Available methods for objects of class "GGUM": \tabular{l}{ plot()    
#' \cr print()    \cr summary()  \cr } }
#' @references \insertRef{RobertsLaughlin1996}{GGUM}
#' \insertRef{Robertsetal2000}{GGUM}
#' \insertRef{Robertsetal2006}{GGUM}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example 1 - Same value C across items:
#' # Generate data:
#' gen1 <- GenData.GGUM(2000, 10, 2, seed = 125)
#' # Fit the GGUM:
#' fit1 <- GGUM(gen1$data, 2)
#' th1  <- Theta.EAP(fit1)
#' # Plot the test information function:
#' plotTIF(fit1, th1)
#' # Check model fit:
#' MOD.res <- MODFIT(fit1)
#' # Example 2 - Different C across items:
#' # Generate data:
#' set.seed(1); C <- sample(3:5, 10, replace = TRUE)
#' I <- 10
#' gen2 <- GenData.GGUM(2000, I, C, seed = 125)
#' # Fit the GGUM:
#' fit2 <- GGUM(gen2$data, C)
#' th2  <- Theta.EAP(fit2)
#' # Plot item information functions for items 1 and 3:
#' plotIIF(fit2, th2, items = c(1, 3))
#' # Example 3 - Fit GGUM using GGUM2004:
#' # Assuming the installation directory is C:/GGUM2004, then do this:
#' # Export data to GGUM2004:
#' export.GGUM2004(gen2$data)
#' # Write command file:
#' write.GGUM2004(I, C)
#' # Run GGUM2004:
#' res.GGUM2004 <- run.GGUM2004()
#' }
#> [1] "_PACKAGE"

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GGUM documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:38 p.m.