Man pages for GHap
Genome-Wide Haplotyping

anc2plinkConvert ancestry tracks to PLINK binary
ancmarkPer marker ancestry proportions
ancplotBarplot of predictions of ancestry proportions
ancsmoothSmoothing of haplotype ancestry predictions
ancsvmSVM-based predictions of haplotype ancestry
anctestPrediction of haplotype ancestry
anctrainConstruction of prototype alleles
assocGenome-wide association analysis
blockgenHaplotype block generator
blockstatsHapBlock statistics
compressCompress phased genotype data
exfilesExample files
fast2phaseConvert fastPHASE data into the GHap phase format
freqCompute marker allele frequencies
frohCalculation of genomic inbreeding (FROH)
fstHaplotype-based Fst
getHinvCompute the inverse of H
hap2plinkConvert haplotype allele counts to PLINK binary
haplotypingHaplotype genotypes
hapstatsHaplotype allele statistics
ibdEstimation of IBD sharing
inbcoefCompute measures of inbreeding
karyoplotIndividual chromosome painting
kinshipRelationship matrix based on genomic data
lmmLinear mixed model
loadhaploLoad haplotype genotype data
loadphaseLoad binary phased genotype data
loadplinkLoad binary PLINK data
makefileCreate example input files
manhattanManhattan plot
oxford2phaseConvert Oxford data into GHap phase
pedcheckSummary statistics for pedigree
phase2plinkExport phase object to PLINK binary
predictblupPredict BLUP from reference
profileGenomic profile
relfindFind relatives in IBD estimates
remlciConfidence intervals for functions of variance components
rohDetection of runs of homozygosity (ROH)
simadmixSimulate individuals from specified admixture proportions
simmatingSimulate individuals from specified matings
simphenoQuantitative trait simulation using real genotype data
sliceGet a slice of a GHap object
subsetSubset GHap objects
varblupConvert BLUP of individuals into BLUP of variants
vcf2phaseConvert VCF data into GHap phase
GHap documentation built on July 2, 2022, 1:07 a.m.