
# Tests for valid outputs ----

# Output should be a data frame with 16 columns
# test_that("data frame output format", {
#   ex <-
#     GIFT_checklists_conditional(
#       taxon_name = "Embryophyta",
#       floristic_scope = c("all", "native", "native and naturalized",
#                           "native and historically introduced",
#                           "endangered", "endemic", "naturalized",
#                           "other subset")[7],
#       type_ref = c("Account", "Catalogue", "Checklist","Flora",
#                    "Herbarium collection", "Key", "Red list",
#                    "Report", "Species Database",
#                    "Survey"),
#       entity_class = c("Island", "Island/Mainland", "Mainland",
#                        "Island Group",
#                        "Island Part"),
#       native_indicated = FALSE, natural_indicated = FALSE,
#       end_ref = FALSE, end_list = FALSE, suit_geo = TRUE,
#       complete_taxon = TRUE, list_set = NULL, taxonomy = NULL)
#   expect_s3_class(ex, "data.frame")
#   expect_identical(ncol(ex), c(16L))
# })

# Tests for invalid inputs ----
test_that("invalid inputs", {
    GIFT_checklists_conditional(taxon_name =  NA),
    "'taxon_name' is incorrect. It must be a character string among one of
         the taxonomic groups available in GIFT. To check them all, run
         'GIFT_taxonomy()'.", fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_checklists_conditional(floristic_scope = NA),
    "'floristic_scope' must be a character string stating what
    information should be available in the lists you retrieve (e.g. only
    references where endemic status is indicated). Available options are 'all',
    'native', 'native and naturalized', 'native and historically introduced',
    'endangered', 'endemic', 'naturalized', 'other subset'.", fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_checklists_conditional(type_ref =  NA),
    "'type_ref' must be a character string stating what type of
    references you want to retrieve. Available options are 'Account',
    'Catalogue', 'Checklist','Flora', 'Herbarium collection', 'Key',
    'Red list', 'Report', 'Species Database', 'Survey'", fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_checklists_conditional(entity_class = NA),
    "'entity_class' must be a character string stating what class of
    polygons you want to retrieve. Available options are 'Island',
    'Island/Mainland', 'Mainland', 'Island Group', 'Island Part'.",
    fixed = TRUE)

    GIFT_checklists_conditional(native_indicated = NA),
    "'native_indicated' must be a logical stating if you want the
         native status of species to be available.", fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_checklists_conditional(natural_indicated = NA),
    "'natural_indicated' must be a logical stating if you want to
         know whether species were naturalized or not.", fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_checklists_conditional(end_ref =  NA),
    "'end_ref' must be a logical stating if you want the endemic
         status at the reference level to be available.", fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_checklists_conditional(end_list =  NA),
    "'end_list' must be a logical stating if you want the endemic
         status at the list level to be available.", fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_checklists_conditional(ref_excluded = NA),
    "'ref_excluded' must be a character string or a numeric giving the
         identification numbers of references (ref_ID) that shall be 
         ignored.", fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_checklists_conditional(suit_geo =  NA),
    "'suit_geo' must be a logical stating if you want to retrieve
         lists associated to a suitable polygon or not.", fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_checklists_conditional(complete_taxon =  NA),
    "'complete_taxon' must be a logical stating whether you want to
    retrieve checklists for regions for which the 'taxon_name' argument is 
    entirely covered or also regions for which only a subset of the 
    the 'taxon_name' is covered.",
    fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_checklists_conditional(api =  NA),
    "api must be a character string indicating which API to use.",
    fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_checklists_conditional(GIFT_version =  NA),
    "'GIFT_version' must be a character string stating what version
of GIFT you want to use. Available options are 'latest', 'beta' and the 
different named stable versions of GIFT.",
    fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_checklists_conditional(taxonomy =  data.frame(a = 1)),
    "Taxonomy must be a dataframe with specific column names.
         See GIFT_taxonomy().", fixed = TRUE)

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GIFT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:11 a.m.