Man pages for GMCM
Fast Estimation of Gaussian Mixture Copula Models

as.thetaCoerce a list to a theta object
choose.thetaHeuristically chosen starting value of theta
classifyClassify observations
colSdsRow and column standard deviations
cummeanCumulative mean values
dgmcm.loglikProbability, density, and likelihood functions of the...
dmvnormalMultivariate Gaussian density and simulation
EMAlgorithmEM algorithm for Gaussian mixture models
EStepSteps of the EM algorithm for a Gaussian Mixture model
fit.full.GMCMEstimate GMCM parameters of the general model
fit.meta.GMCMEstimate GMCM parameters of the special model
freshVsFrozenReproducibility between Fresh and Frozen B-cell subtypes
full2metaConvert between parameter formats
get.IDRPosterior class probabilities, local, and adjusted IDRs.
GMCM-packageFast optimization of Gaussian Mixture Copula Models
goodness.of.fitGoodness of fit for the general GMCM
is.thetaCheck if parameters are valid
logitLogit and inverse logit transforms
plot.thetaPlotting method for "theta" objects
print.thetaPrint method for theta class
PseudoEMAlgorithmEM-like algorithm for the GMCM
rho.transformTransformation of the correlation to real line and its...
rthetaGet random parameters for the Gaussian mixture (copula) model
runGMCMRun the GMCM shiny application
SimulateGMCMDataSimulation from Gaussian mixture (copula) models
summary.thetaSummary method for theta class
ttReparametrization of GMCM parameters
u133VsExonReproducibility between U133 plus 2 and Exon microarrays
UhatFast ranking function
GMCM documentation built on Nov. 6, 2019, 1:08 a.m.