
Defines functions plot_uncertainty

Documented in plot_uncertainty

#' Displays the probability of non-domination in the variable space. In dimension larger than two, projections in 2D subspaces are displayed.
#' @title Plot uncertainty
#' @param model list of objects of class \code{\link[DiceKriging]{km}}, one for each objective functions,
#' @param paretoFront (optional) matrix corresponding to the Pareto front of size \code{[n.pareto x n.obj]},
#' @param type type of uncertainty, for now only the probability of improvement over the Pareto front,
#' @param lower vector of lower bounds for the variables,
#' @param upper vector of upper bounds for the variables,
#' @param resolution grid size (the total number of points is \code{resolution^d}),
#' @param option optional argument (string) for n > 2 variables to define the projection type. The 3 possible values are "mean" (default), "max" and "min",
#' @param nintegpoints number of integration points for computation of mean, max and min values. 
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices grey.colors
#' @importFrom graphics image plot.new
#' @details Function inspired by the function \code{\link[KrigInv]{print_uncertainty}} and 
#' \code{\link[KrigInv]{print_uncertainty_nd}} from the package \code{\link[KrigInv]{KrigInv-package}}.
#' Non-dominated observations are represented with green diamonds, dominated ones by yellow triangles. 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # 2D, bi-objective function
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(25468)
#' n_var <- 2 
#' fname <- P1
#' lower <- rep(0, n_var)
#' upper <- rep(1, n_var)
#' res1 <- easyGParetoptim(fn=fname, lower=lower, upper=upper, budget=15, 
#' control=list(method="EHI", inneroptim="pso", maxit=20))
#' plot_uncertainty(res1$model, lower = lower, upper = upper)
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # 4D, bi-objective function
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(25468)
#' n_var <- 4
#' fname <- DTLZ2
#' lower <- rep(0, n_var)
#' upper <- rep(1, n_var)
#' res <- easyGParetoptim(fn=fname, lower=lower, upper=upper, budget = 40, 
#' control=list(method="EHI", inneroptim="pso", maxit=40))
#' plot_uncertainty(res$model, lower = lower, upper = upper, resolution = 31)
#' } 
plot_uncertainty <- function(model, paretoFront = NULL, type = "pn", lower, upper,
                             resolution = 51, option = "mean", nintegpoints = 400){
  if(is.null(resolution)) resolution <- 51
  if(is.null(nintegpoints)) nintegpoints <- 400
  if(is.null(option)) option <- "mean"
  n.obj <- length(model)
  observations <- matrix(0, model[[1]]@n, n.obj)
  for (i in 1:n.obj) observations[,i] <- model[[i]]@y
  if (is.null(paretoFront)) paretoFront <- t(nondominated_points(t(observations)))
  is.dom <- is_dominated(t(observations))
  ## 1D case
  if(model[[1]]@d == 1){
    xgrid <- matrix(seq(lower, upper, length.out = resolution), ncol = 1)
    pn <- prob.of.non.domination(paretoFront = paretoFront, model = model,
                                 integration.points = xgrid)
    plot(xgrid, pn, type = "l")
    points(model[[1]]@X, rep(0, model[[1]]@n), pch = 24, bg = "yellow")
  ## 2D case
  if(model[[1]]@d == 2){
    x1 <- seq(lower[1], upper[1], length.out = resolution)
    x2 <- seq(lower[2], upper[2], length.out = resolution)
    Xgrid <- expand.grid(x1, x2)
    pn <- prob.of.non.domination(paretoFront = paretoFront, model = model,
                                 integration.points = Xgrid)
    filled.contour(matrix(pn, resolution), x = x1, y = x2, color.palette = graypalette,
                   main = "Probability of non-domination",
                     points(model[[1]]@X[is.dom,], pch = 24, bg = "yellow");
                     points(model[[1]]@X[!is.dom,], pch = 23, bg = "green", cex=1.2)}
  ## nD case
  if(model[[1]]@d > 2){
    if(resolution > 40)
      resolution <- 40
    d <- model[[1]]@d
    sub.d <- d - 2
    integration.tmp <- matrix(sobol(n = nintegpoints, dim = sub.d), 
                              ncol = sub.d)
    sbis <- c(1:resolution^2)
    numrow <- resolution^2 * nintegpoints
    integration.base <- matrix(c(0), nrow = numrow, ncol = sub.d)
    for (i in 1:sub.d) {
      col.i <- as.numeric(integration.tmp[, i])
      my.mat <- expand.grid(col.i, sbis)
      integration.base[, i] <- my.mat[, 1]
    s <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = resolution)
    sbis <- c(1:nintegpoints)
    s.base <- expand.grid(sbis, s, s)
    s.base <- s.base[, c(2, 3)]
    prediction.points <- matrix(c(0), nrow = numrow, ncol = d)
    par(mfrow = c(d - 1, d - 1), mar=c(4,2,2,2))
    for (d1 in 1:(d - 1)) {
      for (d2 in 1:d) {
        if (d2 != d1) {
          if (d2 < d1) {
          else {
            myindex <- 1
            for (ind in 1:d) {
              if (ind == d1) {
                prediction.points[, ind] <- lower[ind] + 
                  s.base[, 1] * (upper[ind] - lower[ind])
                scale.x <- lower[ind] + s * (upper[ind] - 
              else if (ind == d2) {
                prediction.points[, ind] <- lower[ind] + 
                  s.base[, 2] * (upper[ind] - lower[ind])
                scale.y <- lower[ind] + s * (upper[ind] - 
              else {
                prediction.points[, ind] <- lower[ind] + 
                  integration.base[, myindex] * (upper[ind] - 
                myindex <- myindex + 1
            pn <- prob.of.non.domination(paretoFront = paretoFront, model = model,
                                         integration.points = prediction.points)
            myvect <- matrix(pn, nrow = nintegpoints)
            if (option == "mean") {
              myvect <- colMeans(myvect)
            else if (option == "max") {
              myvect <- apply(X = myvect, MARGIN = 2, FUN = max)
            else if (option == "min") {
              myvect <- apply(X = myvect, MARGIN = 2, FUN = min)
            else {
              myvect <- colMeans(myvect)
            image(x = scale.x, y = scale.y, z = t(matrix(myvect, resolution)), 
                  col = grey.colors(10), xlab = "", 
                  ylab = "")
            contour(x = scale.x, y = scale.y, z = t(matrix(myvect, resolution)), 
                    add = TRUE)
            points(model[[1]]@X[is.dom,c(d2,d1)], pch = 24, bg = "yellow")
            points(model[[1]]@X[!is.dom,c(d2,d1)], pch = 23, bg = "green", cex=1.2)
    par(mfrow = c(1,1))

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GPareto documentation built on June 24, 2022, 5:06 p.m.