GPrank-package: GPrank - Gaussian Process ranking of multiple time series

Description Details Author(s) References


GPrank package implements our Gaussian-process-based ranking method, which can be used to rank multiple time series according to their temporal activity levels. GPrank incorporates available variance information on the observations into the GP models and achieves a higher performance than the standard GP-based ranking methods.


Package: GPrank
Type: Package
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 2016-12-21
License: MIT

Details regarding the usage of the package can be found in the vignette.


Hande Topa, Antti Honkela

Maintainer: Hande Topa


Hande Topa, Agnes Jonas, Robert Kofler, Carolin Kosiol, Antti Honkela. Gaussian process test for high-throughput sequencing time series: application to experimental evolution. Bioinformatics 31(11):1762-1770, 2015.

Hande Topa, Antti Honkela. Analysis of differential splicing suggests different modes of short-term splicing regulation. Bioinformatics 32(12):i147-i155, 2016.

GPrank documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:35 p.m.