Man pages for GPseq
gpseq: Using the generalized Poisson distribution to model sequence read counts from high throughput sequencing experiments

calc_chisq_statisticCalculate Chi-square goodness of fit Statistic for...
estimate_differential_expressionEstimating differential expression statistics for Genes...
estimate_differential_splicingEstimating differential splicing statistics for an exon in a...
estimate_exon_gene_expressionEstimating Exon and Gene Expressions using the Poisson and...
exonsExon Annotation Database
generalized_poisson_likelihoodMaximum Likelihood Estimates for the Generalized Poisson...
genesGene annotations
likelihood_ratio_generalized_poisson_exon_geneLog Likelihood ratio statistic for comparison of the splicing...
likelihood_ratio_poisson_exon_geneLog Likelihood ratio statistic for comparison of the splicing...
likelihood_ratio_tissue_generalized_poissonChi Square test statistic for comparison of expression levels...
likelihood_ratio_tissue_poissonChi Square test statistic for comparison of expression levels...
perform_permutation_dePerform a Permutation Test to fit the null distribution of...
perform_permutation_dsPerform a Permutation Test to fit the null distribution of...
readsMapped Reads
GPseq documentation built on May 30, 2017, 3:11 a.m.