Man pages for GRANCore
Classes and Methods for 'GRANBase'

archivedir-methodsarchivedir Return the full path to the archive directory for...
availpkgsavailable.packages A generic for available.packages and a...
backup_archive-methodsbackup_archive Return path where packages are backed up by...
checkout_dir-methodscheckout_dir Return the directory that package sources will...
check_result_dir-methodscheck_result_dir Return the path where check results for...
contriburlcontrib.url A generic for contrib.url so that...
coverage_report_dir-methodscoverage_report_dir Return the path where test coverage...
dest_base-methodsdest_base Return the full path to the contrib directory for...
destination-methodsdestination Return the full path to the contrib directory for...
email_notify-methodsemail_notify Should emails be sent for build failure...
email_options-methodsemail_options Email options for sending build failure...
errlogfile-methodsLog file location of a GRAN (sub) repository
GRANRepository-accessorsLog file location of a GRAN (sub) repository
install_packages-character-GRANRepository-methodinstall_packages method for GRANRepository objects
install_result_dir-methodsinstall_result_dir Return the path where instal results for...
make_windows_bins-methodsmake_windows_bins Return the logical that determines whether...
metadatadir-methodsmetadatadir Return the full path to the pkg metadata...
notrack-methodsnotrack Return the directory which stores retreived versions...
paramExtract parameter object
pkg_doc_dir-methodspkg_doc_dir Return the path where test coverage reports for...
repobase-methodsrepobase Generic accessor function to retreive the repo...
reporesultsRepository build results
repo_url-methodsrepo_url Return the url that the repository will be served...
saveloadBackwards compatible load utility
staging-methodsstaging Return the staging directory or the staging_logs to...
templibtemporary library
tofromlistTransform a GRANRepository object into a list
windowsbindir-methodswindowsbindir Return the full path to the location of the...
GRANCore documentation built on Feb. 4, 2020, 5:06 p.m.