GeneBook-package: Multi-Types Gene ID Converting/Annotating

Description Details Author(s)


An implementation of the advanced gene search in R. This package has basic annotation information. Also, it contains a relative intact gene database which was obtained from the Human Gene Database <>. It allows users to search gene symbol or alias and convert gene interested to the consistent gene symbols. It also provides users with gene WIKI introduction.


GeneBook package applies to the strings of genes. It can convert gene ID and its alias to a consistent symbol and provide information about how accurate the conversion is. Furthermore, it can tell detailed information about genes. fThis package relies on our database which includes data from GeneCards Human Gene Database.

GeneCard_main: The main function to export converted genes and genes description after import a file including genes interested

GeneCard_ID_Convert: Convert genes to consistent symbols

GeneCard_Symbol_Details: Function to get the detailed information of gene


Li Xu, Zhang Wen, Siyan Chen, Hans Bibiko, Will Lowe

Maintainer: Siyan Chen <>

GeneBook documentation built on Aug. 1, 2019, 5:06 p.m.