
Defines functions UTM_zone_hemisphere

Documented in UTM_zone_hemisphere

#' To find the zone hemisphere from Longitude and Latitude the UTM zone.
#' With this function it is possible to find the zone hemisphere from Geographic coordinate to obtain the UTM zone.
#' @param x Sexagesimal longitude.
#' @param y Sexagesimal latitude.
#' @return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #' # Longitude
#' g <- -71
#' m <- 18
#' s <- 44.86475
#' # Value in sexagesimal
#' sexa_long <- sexagesimal(g, m, s)
#' # Latitude
#' g1 <- -33
#' m1 <- 12
#' s1 <- 27.11457
#' # Value in sexagesimal
#' sexa_lat <- sexagesimal(g1, m1, s1)
#' value <- UTM_zone_hemisphere(sexa_long, sexa_lat)
#' print(value)
UTM_zone_hemisphere <- function(x, y) {
  value1 <- (floor((x + 180) / 6) %% 60) + 1
  value2 <- ifelse(y > 0, "north", "south")
  value3 <- paste0(value1," +",value2)

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