CriticalValue: Find a critical value by permutation test of dependence...

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CriticalValueR Documentation

Find a critical value by permutation test of dependence between X and Y using kernel (Gini) distance covariance or correlation statistics


Find a critical value by permutation test using variance of kernel (Gini) distance covariance or correlation statistics, in which Xs are quantitative, Y are categorical, sigma is kernel standard deviation, alpha is an exponent on Euclidean distance and returns the critical value of the measures of dependence.


  CriticalValue(x, y, sigma, alpha, level, M = 1000, method)





label of data or univariate response variable


kernel standard deviation


exponent on Euclidean distance, in (0,2]


significance level of the test, the default value = 0.05


number of permutations


string name of the method for permutation test, e.g. gCov


CriticalValue compute the critical value of a dependence test of a kernel (Gini) distance covariance or correlation statistics. It is a self-contained R function returning the critical value of the measure of dependence statistics.

The critical value of the test of significance level γ, however, is obtained by a permutation procedure. Let ν = 1: n be the vector of original sample indices of the sample for Y labels and \hat{ρ}_g(α) = \hat{ρ}(ν;α). Let π(ν) denote a permutation of the elements of ν and the corresponding \hat{ρ}_g(π;α) is computed. Under the {\cal H}_0, \hat{ρ}_g(ν) and \hat{ρ}_g(π;α) are identically distributed for every permutation π of ν. Hence, based on M permutations, the critical value q_{γ} is estimated by the (1-γ)100\% sample quantile of \hat{ρ}_g(π_m;α), m=1,...,M. Usually 100≤q M≤q 1000 is sufficient for a good estimation on the critical value.

See PermutationTest for a test of multivariate independence based on the (Gini) distance statistic.


CriticalValue returns return the critical value of the measures of the dependence of the permutation test of a specified function

See Also



  n = 50
  x <- runif(n)
  y <- c(rep(1,n/2),rep(2,n/2))
  CriticalValue(x, y, sigma=1, alpha=2, level=0.04, M = 1000, method='KgCov') 

GiniDistance documentation built on Sept. 2, 2022, 9:06 a.m.