
#' R function to test the relationship of a set of points with the Thiessen tessellation built
#' around points belonging to another feature dataset
#' The function can be considered as a special case of the scenario "b" tested by the
#' 'pointsInPolygons()' function provided by this same package, with the exception that in this case
#' the polygons are not entered by the user but are internally created by the function around the
#' to-feature.\cr
#' The question this function may allow to address is: do the points belonging to a feature dataset
#' tend to occur close to any of the points in another feature dataset than expected if the points
#' would be randomly scattered across the study area? To help addressing this question, the function
#' creates Thiessen polygons around the input 'to.feature' and then runs the 'pointsInPolygons()'
#' function using its 'scenario b'.\cr For further details, see the help documentation of the
#' 'pointsInPolygons()' function.
#' @param from.feat Feature (of point type; SpatialPointsDataFrame) whose spatial association with
#'   to-feature has to be assessed.
#' @param to.feat Feature (of point type; SpatialPointsDataFrame) in relation to which the spatial
#'   association of the from-feature has to be assessed.
#' @param cex.text Modify the size of the labels in the returned plot.
#' @keywords pointsToPointsTess
#' @export
#' @importFrom dismo voronoi
#' @examples
#' data(locations)
#' data(events)
#' result <- pointsToPointsTess(events, locations)
#' data(deaths)
#' data(pumps)
#' result <- pointsToPointsTess(deaths, pumps)
#' @seealso \code{\link{pointsInPolygons}}
pointsToPointsTess <- function (from.feat, to.feat, cex.text=0.7) {
  vor <- voronoi(to.feat)
  pointsInPolygons(point.feat=from.feat, polyg.feat=vor, scenario="b", cex.text=cex.text)
  raster::plot(to.feat, add=TRUE)

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GmAMisc documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:32 p.m.