
# This function performs cross-validation for Grace.
# Author:       Sen Zhao
# Email:        sen-zhao@sen-zhao.com
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Arguments:
# Y:            centered n by 1 vector of the response variable.
# X:            standardized n (number of rows) by p (number of columns) design matrix.
# L:            p by p symmetric matrix of the penalty weight matrix.
# lambda.L:     tuning parameters of the penalty weight matrix.
# lambda.1:     tuning parameters of the L_1 penalty.
# lambda.2:     tuning parameters of the ridge penalty.
# K:            number of folds in cross-validation.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Outputs:
#               tuning parameters by K-fold cross-validation

cvGrace <- function(X, Y, L, lambda.L, lambda.1, lambda.2, K = 10){
  checkdata(X, Y, L)
  p <- ncol(X)
  n <- nrow(X)
  lambda.1 <- unique(sort(lambda.1, decreasing = TRUE))
  lambda.L <- unique(sort(lambda.L, decreasing = TRUE))
  lambda.2 <- unique(sort(lambda.2, decreasing = TRUE))
  oneL1 <- (length(lambda.1) == 1)
  zeroL1 <- oneL1 & (lambda.1 == 0)
    lambda.1 <- c(lambda.1 + 0.01, lambda.1)
  lam1 <- matrix(nrow = length(lambda.L), ncol = length(lambda.2))
  ERR <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(lambda.L), ncol = length(lambda.2))
  for(iL in 1:length(lambda.L)){
    lL <- lambda.L[iL]
    for(i2 in 1:length(lambda.2)){
      l2 <- lambda.2[i2]
      Lnew <- lL * L + l2 * diag(p)
      eL <- eigen(Lnew)
      S <- eL$vectors %*% sqrt(diag(eL$values))
      l1star <- lambda.1
      Xstar <- rbind(X, t(S)) / sqrt(2)
      Ystar <- c(Y, rep(0, p))
      gammastar <- l1star / sqrt(2) / 2 / (n + p)
      cvres <- cv.glmnet(Xstar, Ystar, lambda = gammastar, intercept = FALSE, standardize = FALSE, nfolds = K)
      lam1[iL, i2] <- which.min(abs(gammastar - cvres$lambda.min))
        if(length(cvres$cvm) == 1){
          ERR[iL, i2] <- cvres$cvm[1]
          ERR[iL, i2] <- cvres$cvm[2]
        ERR[iL, i2] <- cvres$cvm[lam1[iL, i2]]
  idx <- which(ERR == min(ERR), arr.ind = TRUE)
    resl1 <- 0
  }else if(oneL1){
    resl1 <- lambda.1[2]  
    resl1 <- lambda.1[lam1[idx]][1]
  reslL <- lambda.L[idx[1, 1]]
  resl2 <- lambda.2[idx[1, 2]]
  return(c(reslL, resl1, resl2))

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Grace documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:44 a.m.