
Defines functions .one.ob .cop.T .cop.transform .cop.cdf pHAC

Documented in pHAC

# cdf.r ##################################################################################################################
#  pHAC					    Computes the values of the cdf for a given sample and a 'hac' object.
#  .cop.transform   Computes the transformation using the diagonal of a HAC. (Internal function)
#  .cop.T           Computes the transformation using the diagonal of a AC. (Internal function)
#  .cop.cdf         Supplementary recursive function of pHAC. (Internal function)
#  .one.ob          If X is not a matrix, but a d-dimensional vector, .one.ob modifies X, such that X is a real matrix.

pHAC = function(X, hac, margins = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, ...){
    X = .one.ob(X, margins)    
    if(any(!(colnames(X) %in% .get.leaves(hac$tree)))){stop("The colnames of X have to coincide with the specifications of the copula model hac.")}
	if(na.rm){X = na.omit(X, ...)}
    cop = .cop.cdf(X, hac$tree, hac$type)[-1]
    names(cop) = c()


.cop.cdf = function(sample, tree, type){
	if(length(tree)==1){tree = tree[[1]]}
	n = length(tree); names = colnames(sample)
	s = sapply(tree, is.character)

			select = unlist(tree[s])
				for(i in 1:length(select)){select[i]=(which(names==select[i]))}; select = as.numeric(select)
				exclude = c(1:(n-1))[which(!s[-n])]
			copMult(cbind(sample[, select], sapply(tree[exclude], .cop.cdf, sample = sample[, -select], type = type)), theta = tree[[n]], type = type)
			copMult(cbind(sample[, unlist(tree[s])]), theta = tree[[n]], type = type)
		copMult(sapply(tree[-n], .cop.cdf, sample = sample, type = type), theta = tree[[n]], type = type)


.cop.transform = function(sample, tree, type){
	if(length(tree)==1){tree = tree[[1]]}
	n = length(tree); names = colnames(sample)
	s = sapply(tree, is.character)

			select = unlist(tree[s])
				for(i in 1:length(select)){select[i]=(which(names==select[i]))}; select = as.numeric(select)
				exclude = c(1:(n-1))[which(!s[-n])]
			  .cop.T(cbind(sample[, select], sapply(tree[exclude], .cop.transform, sample = sample[, -select], type = type)), theta = tree[[n]], type = type)
			  .cop.T(cbind(sample[, unlist(tree[s])]), theta = tree[[n]], type = type)
		    .cop.T(sapply(tree[-n], .cop.transform, sample = sample, type = type), theta = tree[[n]], type = type)


.cop.T = function(sample, theta, type){
	.max.phi = phi.inv(apply(sample, 1, max), theta = theta, type = type)
    phi(NCOL(sample)*.max.phi, theta = theta, type = type)


.one.ob = function(X, margins = NULL){
    if(!inherits(X, "matrix")){ 
        names = names(X)
        X = .margins(X, margins)
        names(X) = names
        d = length(names)
        rbind(rep(0.5, d), t(X))
        names = colnames(X)
        d = length(names)
        X = .margins(X, margins)
        rbind(rep(0.5, d), X)

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HAC documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 1:06 a.m.