Man pages for HDDesign
Sample Size Calculation for High Dimensional Classification Study

cv_methodFormula-based PCC of a CV-based classifier
cv_method_corrFormula-based method to calculate the PCC of a CV-based...
cv_method_MCMC simulation-based method to calculate the PCC of a CV-based...
cv_method_MC_corrMC simulation-based method to calculate the PCC of a CV-based...
ds_methodEstimate PCC by DS Method
hct_betaAlternative HCT Procedure to Choose P-Value Threshold Based...
hct_empiricalOriginal HCT Procedure to Choose P-Value Threshold for...
hct_methodEstimate PCC of HCT Classifiers
hct_method_corrEstimate PCC of HCT Classifiers via implementation of Monte...
hct_method_MCEstimate PCC of HCT Classifiers via implementation of Monte...
hct_method_MC_corrEstimate PCC of HCT Classifiers constructed with correlated...
HDDesign-packageSample Size Calculation for High Dimensional Classification...
ideal_pccDetermine the Ideal PCC
samplesizeDetermine the Sample Size Requirement
which.regionDetermine the Feasibility Region
HDDesign documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:41 a.m.