
Defines functions cv_fastclime

#cross validation
cv_fastclime <- function(X, fold = 5, lambda = seq(1e-4, 1e-2, length.out = 50), cv_opt = 1){
  n = dim(X)[1]
  p = dim(X)[2]
  ii = ll = NULL #define the variables
  res_cv <- foreach(ii = c(1:fold), .combine = "rbind")%do%{
    ind_train <- c(1:n)[-c(c(1:floor(n/fold)) + (ii - 1) * (n/fold))]
    train <- X[ind_train,]
    L <- fastclime(train, lambda.min = 1e-7, nlambda = 3000)
    test <- X[c(c(1:floor(n/fold)) + (ii - 1) * (n/fold)),]
    res_pre <- foreach(ll = lambda, .combine = "cbind")%do%{
      out2 <- fastclime.selector(L$lambdamtx, L$icovlist,ll)
      M_inv <- out2$icov
      norm(M_inv %*% cov(test) - diag(1, p, p), type = "F")
  if(cv_opt == 1){
    la <- lambda[which.min(apply(res_cv, 2, mean))]
    cv_mean <- apply(res_cv, 2, mean)
    cv_sd <- apply(res_cv, 2, sd)
    la <- lambda[which(order(cv_mean) == cv_opt)]
    # la <- lambda[which.max(cv_mean >= (cv_mean - cv_sd)[which.min(cv_mean)])]

  L_final <- fastclime(X, lambda.min = 1e-7, nlambda = 3000)
  out <- fastclime.selector(L_final$lambdamtx, L_final$icovlist,la)
  M_inv_final <- out$icov

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HDtest documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:53 a.m.