HypeDataExport: Write HYPE data files

HypeDataExportR Documentation

Write HYPE data files


These are simple convenience wrapper functions to export various HYPE data files from R.


WriteAquiferData(x, filename, verbose = TRUE)

WriteOutregions(x, filename, verbose = TRUE)

WriteBranchData(x, filename, verbose = TRUE)

WriteCropData(x, filename, verbose = TRUE)

WriteDamData(x, filename, verbose = TRUE)

WriteFloodData(x, filename, verbose = TRUE)

WriteLakeData(x, filename, verbose = TRUE)

WriteMgmtData(x, filename, verbose = TRUE)

WritePointSourceData(x, filename, verbose = TRUE)

WriteForcKey(x, filename)

WriteGlacierData(x, filename, verbose = TRUE)



The object to be written, a dataframe as returned from the HypeDataImport functions.


A character string naming a path and file name to write to. Windows users: Note that Paths are separated by '/', not '\'.


Logical, display informative warning messages if columns contain NA values or if character strings are too long. See Details.


Hype data file exports, simple fwrite wrappers with formatting options adjusted to match HYPE file specifications:

In most files, HYPE requires NA-free input in required columns, but empty values are allowed in additional comment columns which are not read by HYPE. Informative warnings will be thrown if NAs are found during export. Character string lengths in comment columns of HYPE data files are restricted to 100 characters, the functions will return with a warning if longer strings were exported.


No return value, called for export to text files.


te <- ReadForcKey(filename = system.file("demo_model", "ForcKey.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
WriteForcKey(x = te, filename = tempfile())

HYPEtools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:34 p.m.