PlotAnnualRegime: Plot annual regimes

View source: R/function_PlotAnnualRegime.R

PlotAnnualRegimeR Documentation

Plot annual regimes


Convenience wrapper function for a combined line plot with polygon variation ranges.


  line = c("mean", "median"),
  band = c("none", "p05p95", "p25p75", "minmax"),
  add.legend = FALSE,
  l.legend = NULL,
  l.position = c("topright", "bottomright", "right", "topleft", "left", "bottomleft"),
  log = FALSE,
  ylim = NULL,
  ylab = expression(paste("Q (m"^3, " s"^{
 }, ")")),
  xlab = paste(format(attr(x, "period"), format = "%Y"), collapse = " to "),
  col = "blue",
  alpha = 30,
  lty = 1,
  lwd = 1,
  mar = c(3, 3, 1, 1) + 0.1,
  verbose = TRUE



List, typically a result from AnnualRegime, containing data frames with aggregated long-term average regime data and two attributes period and timestep. See Details and Value sections there.


Character string, keyword for type of average line to plot. Either "mean" or "median".


Character vector, keyword for variation bands. If "none" (default), plot average line(s) only. "minmax", "p25p75", or p5p95 to include bands of variation. Combinations of bands are allowed, but providing "none" will always prevent plotting of any band. See details.


Logical. If TRUE, a legend will be added to the plot.


Character vector. If non-NULL, legend labels are read from here instead of from column names in x$mean.


Legend position, keyword string. One of "left", "topleft", "topright", "right", "bottomright", "bottomleft".


Logical, if TRUE, y-axis will be log-scaled.


Numeric vector of length two, giving y-axis limits. Defaults to min-max range of all plotted data.


Character or plotmath expression string. Y-axis label, with a default for discharge regimes.


Character string or plotmath expression string, x-axis label. Default prints the time period on which the regime is based, read from x$period.


Line color specification, see par for details. Defaults to blue. Either a single value or a vector of the same length as quantile series in freq.


Numeric, alpha transparency value for variation bands. Value between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque), see also rgb


Line type specification, see par for details. Either a single value or a vector of the same length as quantile series in freq.


Line width specification, see par for details. Either a single value or a vector of the same length as quantile series in freq.


Numeric vector of length 4, margin specification as in par with modified default. Details see there.


Logical, print warnings if NA values are found in x. Defaults to TRUE.


PlotAnnualRegime plots contents from lists as returned by AnnualRegime (for format details, see there). If NA values are present in the plot data, the function will throw a warning if verbose = TRUE and proceed with plotting all available data.

Argument band allows to plot variation bands to be plotted in addition to average lines. These can be (combinations of) ranges between minima and maxima, 5th and 95th percentiles, and 25th and 75th percentiles, i.e. all moments available in AnnualRegime results.

Grid lines plotted in the background are mid-month lines.


PlotAnnualRegime returns a plot to the currently active plot device.

See Also

AnnualRegime, PlotSimObsRegime


## Not run: 
# Source data, HYPE basin output with a number of result variables
te1 <- ReadBasinOutput(filename = system.file("demo_model",
                                              "results", "0003587.txt",
                                              package = "HYPEtools"))
# Daily discharge regime, computed and observed,
# hydrological year from October, aggregated to weekly means
te2 <- AnnualRegime(te1[, c("DATE", "COUT", "ROUT")],
           = "day",
                    ts.out = "week", start.mon = 10)
# Screen devices should not be used in examples
PlotAnnualRegime(x = te2)
PlotAnnualRegime(x = te2, line = "median", band = "p05p95",
  add.legend = TRUE, col = c("red", "blue"))

## End(Not run)

HYPEtools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:34 p.m.