Man pages for HiPLARM
High Performance Linear Algebra in R

checkFileStartup function that reads in the optimised crossover points
cholCholesky Decomposition using GPU or multi-core CPU
chol2inv-methodsInverse from Cholesky
crossprodCrossproduct using GPU or multi-core CPU
determinantCalculate the determinant using GPU and multi-core CPU
hiplarSet~~ Methods for Function 'hiplarSet' in Package 'HiPLARM' ~~
hiplarShowShows the crossover points for all functions
lu(Generalized) Triangular Decomposition of a Matrix
matmultMatrix Multiplication of two matrices using GPU or multi-core...
normMatrix Norms
OptimiseAllOptimise all given routines
OptimiseCholOptimise the chol routine for dpo Matrices
OptimiseChol2invDtrOptimise the chol2inv routine for dtr matrices
OptimisecrossprodDgeOptimise the crossprod routine for a single dge matrix
OptimisecrossprodDgeDgeOptimise the crossprod routine for two dge matrices
OptimisecrossprodDgematOptimise the crossprod routine for a dge matrix and an R base...
OptimisedetDgeOptimise the det routine for dge matrices
OptimiseLUOptimise the LU routine for dge Matrices
OptimisematmulDgeDgeOptimise the matmul routine for two dge matrices
OptimisematmulDgematOptimise the matmul routine for a dge matrix and an R base...
OptimisematmulDtrDtrOptimise the matmul routine for two dtr matrices
OptimisematmulDtrmatOptimise the matmul routine for a dtr matrix and an R base...
OptimisenormDgeOptimise the norm routine for a dge matrix
OptimisercondDgeOptimise the rcond routine for a dge matrix
OptimisercondDpoOptimise the rcond routine for a dpo matrix
OptimiseSolveDgeOptimise the solve routine for a dge matrix
OptimiseSolveDgematOptimise the solve routine for a dge matrix and an R base...
OptimiseSolveDpoOptimise the solve routine for a dpo matrix
OptimiseSolveDpoDgeOptimise the solve routine for a dpo matrix and a dge matrix
OptimiseSolveDpomatOptimise the solve routine for a dpo matrix and an R base...
OptimiseSolveDtrOptimise the solve routine for a dtr matrix
OptimiseSolveDtrmatOptimise the solve routine for a dtr matrix and an R base...
rcondEstimate the Reciprocal Condition Number using GPU and...
setGPU~~ Methods for Function 'setGPU' in Package 'HiPLARM' ~~
solveSolve a linear system Ax=b using GPU or multi-core...
tcrossprodtcrossproduct using GPU or multi-core CPU
HiPLARM documentation built on May 29, 2017, 10:42 p.m.