Man pages for HistDat
Summary Statistics for Histogram/Count Data

as.ecdfConverts an object to an empirical cumulative density...
as.ecdf-HistDat-methodConverts this histogram to an instance of the "ecdf" class,...
as.vector-HistDat-methodConverts this histogram to a vector. Not recommended if there...
c-HistDat-methodConcatenate observations into this instance
HistDatThe constructor function for the HistDat class. This is the...
HistDat-classS4 class for histogram data
HistDat-package'HistDat': Summary statistics for histogram/count data
length-HistDat-methodCalculates the total number of observations in a histogram...
max-HistDat-methodCalculates the largest observation in the histogram dataset
mean-HistDat-methodCalculates the mean value of all observations in the...
median-HistDat-methodCalculates the median value of the observations in the...
min-HistDat-methodCalculates the smallest observation in the histogram dataset
quantile-HistDat-methodReturns the empirical quantiles of the observations...
range-HistDat-methodCalculates the range of values of the observations in the...
sd-HistDat-methodCalculates the standard deviation of the observations in the...
sort-HistDat-methodThis is a dummy method so that sort can be applied to HistDat...
sub-HistDat-ANY-ANY-ANY-methodIndex the histogram data
sum.HistDatCalculates the sum of all observations in the histogram...
var-HistDat-methodCalculates the variance of observations in the histogram...
HistDat documentation built on April 6, 2021, 9:08 a.m.