HistDat-package: 'HistDat': Summary statistics for histogram/count data

Description Details Class Definition / Constructor Function HistDat Statistics HistDat Utilities Misc Functions


In some cases you will have data in a "histogram" format, where you have a vector of all possible observations, and a vector of how many times each observation appeared. You could expand this into a single 1D vector, but this may not be advisable if the counts are extremely large. 'HistDat' allows for the calculation of summary statistics without the need for expanding your data.


Note that all the methods described for HistDat instances have been transformed into generic methods in this package where they are not already, with default implementations for general numeric vectors. This allows you to equally apply these same functions to any type of data.

Class Definition / Constructor Function

HistDat Statistics

HistDat Utilities

Misc Functions

HistDat documentation built on April 6, 2021, 9:08 a.m.