CKKS encode

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Load libraries that will be used.


Set a working seed for random numbers (so that random numbers can be replicated exactly).


Set some parameters.

M     <- 8
N     <- M / 2
scale <- 4
xi    <- complex(real = cos(2 * pi / M), imaginary = sin(2 * pi / M))

Create the (complex) numbers we will encode.

z <- c(complex(real=3, imaginary=4), complex(real=2, imaginary=-1))

Now we encode the vector of complex numbers to a polynomial.

p <- encode(xi, M, scale, z)

Let's view the result.


Let's decode to obtain the original number:

decoded_z <- decode(xi, M, scale, p)

The decoded z is indeed very close to the original z, we round the result to make the clearer.


Next, work through the CKKS-encode-2 vignette, which breaks down the encode and decode functions into the individual steps.

Try the HomomorphicEncryption package in your browser

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HomomorphicEncryption documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:59 a.m.