# Other helper functions ----
.selectionMat <- function(selection, size, select = "columns"){
if(select == "rows"){
m <- base::matrix(0, nrow = base::length(selection), ncol = size)
m[ 1:base::length(selection), selection] <- base::diag(base::length(selection))
m <- base::matrix(0, ncol = base::length(selection), nrow = size)
m[ selection , 1:base::length(selection)] <- base::diag(base::length(selection))
.LeeCFN <- function(eta, Sigma){
c = Sigma %*% eta / base::as.numeric( base::t(eta) %*% Sigma %*% eta )
.VLoVUpFN <- function(eta, Sigma, A, b, z){
c = .LeeCFN(eta,Sigma)
objective <- (b - A %*% z) / (A %*% c)
ACNegativeIndex <- base::which( (A %*% c) < 0 )
ACPositiveIndex <- base::which( (A %*% c) > 0 )
if( base::length(ACNegativeIndex) == 0){
VLo <- -Inf
VLo <- base::max(objective[ACNegativeIndex])
if( base::length(ACPositiveIndex) == 0){
VUp <- Inf
VUp <- base::min(objective[ACPositiveIndex])
basisVector <- function(index = 1, size = 1){
v <- base::matrix(0, nrow = size, ncol = 1)
v[index] = 1
.warnIfNotSymmPSD <- function (sigma) {
# Check that sigma is PSD
if ( base::isSymmetric(sigma) ) {
if ( base::any(base::eigen(sigma, TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values < 0) ) {
base::warning("sigma is not numerically positive semi-definite")
} else {
base::warning("sigma is not a symmetric matrix")
.stopIfNotConformable <- function (betahat, sigma, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, l_vec) {
betaDim <- c(base::NROW(betahat), base::NCOL(betahat))
betaL <- base::max(betaDim)
beta1 <- base::min(betaDim)
if ( beta1 > 1 ) {
base::stop(base::sprintf("expected a vector but betahat was %d by %d", betaDim[1], betaDim[2]))
sigmaR <- base::NROW(sigma)
sigmaC <- base::NCOL(sigma)
if ( sigmaR != sigmaC ) {
base::stop(base::sprintf("expected a square matrix but sigma was %d by %d", sigmaR, sigmaC))
if ( sigmaR != betaL ) {
base::stop(base::sprintf("betahat (%d by %d) and sigma (%d by %d) were non-conformable",
betaDim[1], betaDim[2], sigmaR, sigmaC))
numPeriods <- numPrePeriods + numPostPeriods
if ( numPeriods != betaL ) {
base::stop(base::sprintf("betahat (%d by %d) and pre + post periods (%d + %d) were non-conformable",
betaDim[1], betaDim[2], numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods))
if ( base::length(l_vec) != numPostPeriods ) {
base::stop(base::sprintf("l_vec (length %d) and post periods (%d) were non-conformable",
base::length(l_vec), numPostPeriods))
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