Man pages for HuraultMisc
Guillem Hurault Functions' Library

approx_equalApproximate equal
cbbPaletteA colorblind-friendly palette (with black)
change_colnamesChange column names of a dataframe
compute_calibrationEstimate calibration given forecasts and corresponding...
compute_resolutionCompute resolution of forecasts, normalised by the...
compute_RPSCompute RPS for a single forecast
coverageCoverage probability
empirical_pvalCompute empirical p-values
extract_ciExtract confidence intervals from a vector of samples
extract_distributionExtract a distribution represented by samples
extract_drawsExtract parameters' draws
extract_index_ndExtract multiple indices inside bracket(s) as a list
extract_parameters_from_drawExtract parameters from a single draw
extract_pdfExtract probability density function from vector of samples
extract_pmfExtract probability mass function from vector of samples
factor_to_numericChange the type of the column of a dataframe from factor to...
HuraultMisc-packageHuraultMisc: Guillem Hurault Personal Functions' Library
illustrate_forward_chainingIllustration forward chaining
illustrate_RPSIllustration of the Ranked Probability Score
is_scalarTest whether x is of length 1
is_stanfitTest whether an object is of class "stanfit"
is_wholenumberTest whether x is a whole number
logitLogit and Inverse logit
pipePipe operator
post_pred_pvalPosterior Predictive p-value
PPC_group_distributionPosterior Predictive Check for Stan model
prior_posteriorCompare prior to posterior
process_replicationsExtract posterior predictive distribution
summary_statisticsExtract summary statistics
HuraultMisc documentation built on Sept. 6, 2021, 9:09 a.m.