
Defines functions calculate_extent

Documented in calculate_extent

#' Extent
#' \code{extent} calculates 'extent' scores when aggregating up small areas.
#' "Extent" is the proportion of the local population that live in areas
#' classified as among the most deprived in the higher geography. The
#' calculation of extent is taken from the IMD technical report Appendix N:
#' "The population living in the most deprived 11 to 30 per cent of Lower-layer
#' Super Output Areas receive a sliding weight, ranging from 0.95 for those in
#' the most deprived eleventh percentile, to 0.05 for those in the most deprived
#' thirtieth percentile. In practice this means that the weight starts from 0.95
#' in the most deprived eleventh percentile, and then decreases by
#' (0.95-0.05)/19 for each of the subsequent nineteen percentiles until it
#' reaches 0.05 for the most deprived thirtieth percentile, and zero for areas
#' outside the most deprived 30 per cent"
#' @param data Data frame containing a variable to be aggregated, lower level
#'        geography population estimates, and a higher level geographical
#'        grouping variable
#' @param var Name of the variable in the data frame containing the variable to
#'        be aggregated (e.g. rank) for the lower level geography
#' @param higher_level_geography Name of the variable in the data frame
#'        containing the higher level geography names/codes
#' @param population Name of the variable in the data frame containing
#'        the population estimates of the lower level geography
#' @importFrom rlang .data
calculate_extent <-
           population) {
    data <-
      data |>
      dplyr::mutate(percentile = dplyr::ntile({{ var }}, 100)) |>
        extent = dplyr::case_when(
          percentile <= 10 ~ {{ population }},
          percentile == 11 ~ {{ population }} * 0.95,
          percentile > 11 & percentile <= 30 ~ {{ population }} * (0.95 - ((0.9 / 19) * (percentile - 11))),
          TRUE ~ 0
      ) |>
      dplyr::group_by({{ higher_level_geography }}) |>
      dplyr::summarise(Extent = sum(.data$extent) / sum({{ population }}))


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IMD documentation built on Sept. 30, 2022, 5:06 p.m.