
fv_histgram_box <- function(width = 12, collapsible = T, collapsed = T) {
  box(title = 'Histogram of Fixed-Budget Targets',
      width = width, collapsible = collapsible,
      solidHeader = TRUE,  collapsed = collapsed,
      status = "primary",
        width = 2,
        textInput('FCEPDF.Hist.Runtime', label = HTML('Select the budget value'),
                  value = ''),
        selectInput('FCEPDF.Hist.Algs', label = 'Select which IDs to include:',
                    multiple = T, selected = NULL, choices = NULL) %>% shinyInput_label_embed(
                      custom_icon() %>%
                          title = "ID selection", content = alg_select_info, 
                          placement = "auto"
        HTML('Choose whether the histograms are <b>overlaid</b> in one plot
                                or <b>separated</b> in several subplots:'),
        selectInput('FCEPDF.Hist.Mode', '',
                    choices = c("overlay", "subplot"),
                    selected = 'subplot'),
        checkboxInput("FCEPDF.Hist.Equal", "Use equal bins for all IDs", F),
        selectInput('FCEPDF.Hist.Format', label = 'Select the figure format',
                    choices = supported_fig_format, selected = supported_fig_format[[1]]),

        downloadButton('FCEPDF.Hist.Download', label = 'Download the figure')


        width = 10,
          width = 12, align = "center",
          HTML('<p align="left" "font-size:120%;">
               This histogram counts the number of runs whose best-so-far function
               values within the first \\(B\\) evaluations is between \\(v_i\\) and
               \\(v_{i+1}\\). The buckets \\([v_i,v_{i+1})\\) are chosen automatically
               according to the so-called <b>Freedman–Diaconis rule</b>: \\(\\text{Bin size}=
               2\\frac{Q_3 - Q_1}{\\sqrt[3]{n}}\\), where \\(Q_1, Q_3\\) are the \\(25\\%\\)
               and \\(75\\%\\) percentile of the runtime and \\(n\\) is the sample size.
               The displayed IDs can be selected by clicking on the legend on the right.
               A <b>tooltip</b> and <b>toolbar</b> appears when hovering over the figure.</p>'),

fv_pdf_box <- function(width = 12, collapsible = T, collapsed = T) {
    title = 'Empirical Probability Density Function of Fixed-Budget Function Values',
    width = width, collapsible = collapsible, solidHeader = TRUE,
    status = "primary", collapsed = collapsed,
        width = 2,
        HTML('Select the budget for which the distribution of best-so-far function values is shown'),

        textInput('FCEPDF.Bar.Runtime', label = '', value = ''),
        selectInput('FCEPDF.Bar.Algs', label = 'Select which IDs to include:',
                    multiple = T, selected = NULL, choices = NULL) %>% shinyInput_label_embed(
                      custom_icon() %>%
                          title = "ID selection", content = alg_select_info, 
                          placement = "auto"
        # checkboxInput('FCEPDF.Bar.Samples', label = 'Show runtime samples', value = T),
        checkboxInput('FCEPDF.Bar.Logy', label = 'Scale y axis \\(\\log_{10}\\)', value = T),
        checkboxInput('FCEPDF.Bar.Points', label = 'Show individual points', value = F),
        selectInput('FCEPDF.Bar.Format', label = 'Select the figure format',
                    choices = supported_fig_format, selected = supported_fig_format[[1]]),

        downloadButton('FCEPDF.Bar.Download', label = 'Download the figure')

        width = 10,
          width = 12, align = "center",
          HTML('<p align="left" style="font-size:120%;">
                The plot shows, for the budget selected on the left, the distribution
                of the best-so-far function values of the individual runs (dots), and an estimated distribution of the probability mass function.
                The displayed IDs can be selected by clicking on the legend on the right. A <b>tooltip</b> and <b>toolbar</b>
                appear when hovering over the figure. A csv file with the runtime data can be downloaded from the
                <a href="#shiny-tab-FCE_DATA", data-toggle="tab"> Data Summary tab</a>.'),

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IOHanalyzer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:39 a.m.