marrayDead: Converts dead-recovery capture histories to an m-array

View source: R/marrayDead.R

marrayDeadR Documentation

Converts dead-recovery capture histories to an m-array


Converts dead-recovery capture histories to an m-array.


marrayDead(MR, freq = 1, groups = NULL)



an individuals x time matrix with 1 denoting either the time of marking or the time of recovery; otherwise 0.


a vector with the number of animals with each capture history, or a matrix with a column for each group. If a single value is supplied, it will be used for all rows in the capture history; the default is to assume each row corresponds to a single animal.


a factor (or a vector that can be coerced to a factor) which identifies the group that each row of ch refers to. Ignored if freq is a matrix with > 1 column.


The argument MR can be a matrix of unique capture histories accompanied by a vector or matrix, freq, specifying the number of animals with each capture history. For other formats, see ch2matrix.


An m-array, a (years-1) x years x groups array, where element [i, j, g] contains the number of individuals in group g marked in year i and recovered in year j+1. The last column contains the number of individuals marked in year i and never recovered. If no groups are specified, this will be a (years-1) x years matrix.


Michael Schaub


Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, chapter 12.4.3.


str(peregrine$recoveries)  # 1810 animals x 43 years
dr <- cleanCH(peregrine$recoveries[, 29:43])  # Use last 15 years of data

IPMbook documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 1:07 a.m.