
#' @name extract
#' @aliases extract_output_filename extract_free_parameter_count extract_loglikelihood extract_scaling_correction extract_aic extract_bic extract_bic_adjusted
#' @export extract_output_filename extract_free_parameter_count extract_loglikelihood extract_scaling_correction extract_aic extract_bic extract_bic_adjusted
#' @title Extract the values within model output files.
#' @description Functions that extract the values within model output files.
#' @param mplus_output Text containing model output.
#' @return A \code{numeric} value corresponding to the desired quantity.
#' @author Will Beasley
#' @examples
#' library(IalsaSynthesis) #Load the package into the current R session.

extract_output_filename <- function( mplus_output ) {
  # gsub(pattern="DATA:  File = (.+);", replacement="\\1", mplus_output, perl=T)
  matches <- regexpr(".+DATA:  File = (.+);.*", mplus_output, perl=TRUE);
  result <- attr(matches, "capture.start")[,1]
  attr(result, "match.length") <- attr(matches, "capture.length")[,1]
  observed_snippet <- regmatches(mplus_output, result)
  return( observed_snippet )

extract_free_parameter_count <- function( mplus_output ) {
  matches <- regexpr("Number of Free Parameters\\s+(\\d{1,})\\s+", mplus_output, perl=TRUE);
  result <- attr(matches, "capture.start")[,1]
  attr(result, "match.length") <- attr(matches, "capture.length")[,1]
  matched_string <- regmatches(mplus_output, result)
  matched_float <- as.numeric(matched_string)
  return( matched_float )

extract_loglikelihood <- function( mplus_output ) {
  matches <- regexpr("Loglikelihood\\s+H0 Value\\s+([-\\d\\.]+)\\s+", mplus_output, perl=TRUE);
  result <- attr(matches, "capture.start")[,1]
  attr(result, "match.length") <- attr(matches, "capture.length")[,1]
  matched_string <- regmatches(mplus_output, result)
  matched_float <- as.numeric(matched_string)
  return( matched_float )

extract_scaling_correction <- function( mplus_output ) {
  matches <- regexpr("\\s+H0 Scaling Correction Factor\\s+([-\\d\\.]+)\\s+for MLR\\s+", mplus_output, perl=TRUE);
  result <- attr(matches, "capture.start")[,1]
  attr(result, "match.length") <- attr(matches, "capture.length")[,1]
  matched_string <- regmatches(mplus_output, result)
  matched_float <- ifelse(length(matched_string>0), as.numeric(matched_string), NA_real_)
  return( matched_float )

extract_aic <- function( mplus_output ) {
  matches <- regexpr("Akaike \\(AIC\\)\\s+([-\\d\\.]+)\\s+", mplus_output, perl=TRUE);
  result <- attr(matches, "capture.start")[,1]
  attr(result, "match.length") <- attr(matches, "capture.length")[,1]
  matched_string <- regmatches(mplus_output, result)
  matched_float <- as.numeric(matched_string)
  return( matched_float )

extract_bic <- function( mplus_output ) {
  matches <- regexpr("Bayesian \\(BIC\\)\\s+([-\\d\\.]+)\\s+", mplus_output, perl=TRUE);
  result <- attr(matches, "capture.start")[,1]
  attr(result, "match.length") <- attr(matches, "capture.length")[,1]
  matched_string <- regmatches(mplus_output, result)
  matched_float <- as.numeric(matched_string)
  return( matched_float )

extract_bic_adjusted <- function( mplus_output ) {
  # matches <- regexpr("\\s+Sample-Size Adjusted BIC\\s+(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)\\s+", mplus_output, perl=TRUE);
  # matches <- regexpr("\\s+Sample-Size Adjusted BIC\\s+(.+)\\s+", mplus_output, perl=TRUE);
  matches <- regexpr("\\s+Sample-Size Adjusted BIC\\s+([-\\d\\.]+)\\s+", mplus_output, perl=TRUE);
  result <- attr(matches, "capture.start")[,1]
  attr(result, "match.length") <- attr(matches, "capture.length")[,1]
  matched_string <- regmatches(mplus_output, result)
  matched_float <- as.numeric(matched_string)
  return( matched_float )

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IalsaSynthesis documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:16 a.m.